46 | Want it

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A/N | I'm back! I apologize for leaving without notice, but this break was definitely needed and coming back to over 150+ notifications was overwhelming in a good way. Thank you for being patient, promise never to do that again without further notice, anyway enjoy! 💜 (chapter is unedited btw)

I looked at Ansley as she looked between me and Ade with the same friendly smile I had slowly grown accustomed to, my hands were tightly clenched into fists on my lap. Ansley looked the two of us over, her leg moving to lay across her other one as she stopped on me, "Could you introduce him to me?" She asked.

My eyes flicked between hers before I was glancing to the side at Ade; who was just sitting beside me on the couch. "Ade." I answered, once my eyes were back on her. She hummed as she slightly sat up straighter, "If you don't mind, would you like to tell me your relationship with him?" She questioned, causing me to once again turn to face Ade.

He met my eyes, stopping me cold in my tracks as I shook my head no before turning back to face Ansley and shaking my head again, wanting to make sure she saw my answer. She gave me a reassuring smile as she nodded her head in understanding, "Would you be okay with Ade answering for you?"  She asked gently, watching me as I peeled my eyes away from my hands.

"Uhh..." I voiced, looking between them both with an unsure expression, "Sure." I gulped, shrugging my shoulders as if I didn't care despite all my nerves going into complete overdrive.

After getting my answer she turned to Ade, watching with a patient expression as he gave her a small smile in greeting. He opened his mouth, pausing to glance at me as I refused to meet his gaze, "We're mates." He answered, getting a soft hum from the older lady.

Her expression didn't change at the revelation, I wouldn't be surprised if she had already figured that out way before our confirmation. "Why did you decide to invite him to your session?" She questioned, turning her attention back to me.

"I don't know.." I mumbled, glancing up at her as she gave me an encouraging look that only resulted in me quickly looking away, "Well, based on the way you're sitting away from him, and your refusal to verbally state your relationship." She started, "I believe it would be safe for me to assume the two of you don't currently have the best relationship, correct?"

The room went into a tense silence as I continued to look away from both of them, "Yeah." I could hear Ade start to say, "Something like that." He mumbled, getting a hum in reply. "Is there a reason behind your strained relationship?" She questioned, "I-"

"He rejected me." I answered, cutting off whatever Ade was going to say. For the first time since starting my sessions, I could actually see the shock on her face at my answer; I wasn't surprised at the reaction, rejecting your mate is extremely taboo and rare.

"He rejected you?" She repeated, getting back her composure after a couple of blinks, "Among other things." I watched as she quickly jotted something down into her notes. "So you decided to bring him here to fix your bond?" She questioned, "No."

"Yes." My eyes instantly snapped to Ade at his answer, but he kept his eyes glued to the older lady in front of us as she scribbled down more notes. "What?" I questioned before she could respond, "What do you mean 'yes'?" my brows furrowing together as I continued to look at him with a confused expression.

Ade sighed, turning his body so that he was completely facing me, "Stefan.." He started, his hands reaching out for me but stopping when I looked down at them with a harsh glare, "Stefan." He said again, getting me to look back up at his face.

He looked sincere, but for some reason that only made me angrier, "I want to fix this." He stated, not getting a response from me as I scanned his face with furrowed brows. "Stefan." Ansley called, getting me to glance over at her.

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