21 | Coming to an Understanding

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"Stefan why the hell do I smell someone elses arousal on you?" He questioned through a noticeably clenched jaw.

"Hmm?" I hummed, furrowing my brows as I feigned confusion and sniffed at the collar of my shirt.

He let out an annoyed breath. "This isn't a joke." He warned, leaning closer as I tried my best to hide the grin I could feel starting to pull at the edges of my mouth "Who the fuck am I smelling on you?" He growled.

His clear blue eyes were basically black as he leaned closer, I forced myself to keep eye contact as I ignored my wolf whimpering at the sight of our angry mate.

He never liked this plan in the first place and now all he wanted me to do was lower my head and submit, apologize, and reassure our mate that we hadn't been with anyone; But I'm not going to do that. "Maybe someone at school was watching porn in a restroom stall or something?" I questioned, shrugging my shoulders as he glared at me.

He scoffed, obviously not believing a word I had said, "Do you think I'm an idiot?" He spat angrily as I did nothing but do another shrug in reply causing him to become even more irritated then he already was.

I looked away with a small smile as he continued to stare at me with the same angry expression. I could tell my silence and refusal to give any reasonable explanation for the smell was the main thing getting to him; So I decided to remain silent for the rest of the time, loving how dark his voice grew at each unanswered question.

He eventually gave up on questioning me, ending the conversation with a warning growl that I simply ignored like I had done the rest.

I peeked over at his seething figure as he finally drove out the lot, even though we hadn't mated or marked eachother I could still feel in my core how angry he was, but I'm also one hundred percent sure that even if we weren't mates I'd still be able to tell.

The car ride remained silent, not even the radio had been turned on; The air was so tense you could cut it with a chainsaw and even though I'm sure it wouldn't have helped a thing, I was starting to regret not turning up the radio before he noticed Ryan's scent.

When we finally got to the pack house after a long and awkward ride, he immediately got out of the truck. I heard the sound of bones popping and skin ripping but by time I looked out he was already gone.

I sighed as my wolf let out a disappointed whine, upset that I hadn't moved fast enough to catch a glimpse of Ades wolf. I rolled my eyes at both my wolf and our mate, "So childish.." I mumbled out, grabbing the keys he had left in the ignition.

As I walked towards the large house I hesitated at the door. This is the first time I've come here without someone else and I truthfully have no clue what I'm going to do. I usually would've just told him to drop me off this morning but I have to come here if I was to complete 'phase two' of my plan.

I took a deep breath before opening the door, the house seemed empty and I relaxed a bit as I remembered what Zane had said about the house usually being abandoned around this time.

I sat my bag by the front door like I had done the first time I came here and walked into the kitchen, setting the keys down on the island top. I absentmindedly made my way towards the closet sitting room, shocked to find a familiar white haired female already there on the floor.

She was sitting criss crossed with the TV remote in her hand. She looked up as I entered the room, giving me a look that showed she was just as surprised to see me here as I was to see her.

I ignored her as I took off my shoes, leaving them at the entrance of the room before making my way to the couch she was leaning on from her place on the ground. I sat down with my back against the arm of the couch and my knees to my chest, leaning my head down on them as I watched her flip through channels.

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