09 | Sëenige Pack - Pack Town

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait for the update, I've actually been had it done but I'm trying to take longer with the updates so I can put y'all on the same schedule as my readers on the other app I publish on. In other words updates will be slower from now on until they catch up with y'all.

"Had a nice chat?" I flinched at the sudden voice, looking up to see Ricky leaning against the wall beside me "Where's Eze?" I questioned, ignoring his question. He leaned off the wall, making his way to me, "I told her I'd wait for you so she went downstairs." I grumbled under my breath as he draped his heavy arm around my shoulder and guided us down the steps.

"You never answered my question." He said as we made our way down. I shrugged off his arm and walked ahead of him, yet again ignoring his question as he speed walked to catch up with me "Is that him?" He questioned, preventing me from walking by standing directly in front of me "Is that your mate?"

I snorted, quickly silencing myself when I noticed the pointed look he was giving me, "He's not even human" I pointed out with an arched brow. "It wouldn't be the first time someone was mated to a human." He answered back, not at all letting up on the conversation.

"He's not my mate Ricky." He squinted his eyes, looking into my eyes, searching for any hint of a lie and I guess he didn't find one because seconds later he was moving out the way and allowing me to pass. "You don't have to be so protective." I said, patting his shoulder as I passed him.

"You know I can't help it." He replied, following close behind me as we finally reached the bottom floor. I scoffed, "What would you even do if it was him, he's an alpha. He could kill you ricardo." I glanced back at him, noticing how his eyes got dangerously dark; He didn't reply after that, just continued walking silently behind me.

"There y'all are." Eze beamed, walking towards us as we made our way into the kitchen; she smiled at me, frowning when she noticed Ricky's sour mood "Is he okay?" She questioned, whispering so only I would hear but I'm sure he heard as well, she's not the best at whispering.

I glanced back at Ricky who was silently leaning against a nearby wall, it was pretty obvious he was upset by the was his jaw clenched in on itself and his brows stayed permanently furrowed together. "He's fine." I looked back to her as she also looked away from him to me "We gonna head out or..?"

"Oh! Yeah my bad, follow me." I did as she said, glancing back to make sure Ricky was as well as I followed her out the door located on the side of the pack house. We kept going straight and I immediately noticed we were heading down the same path I had just seen Zane go down moments before. "So what were the two of you talking about?"

I arched a brow at her question, turning my attention from the never ending maze of trees to her seemingly awkward expression, "Me and Ricky?" I questioned, genuinely confused on why she needed to know what we spoke about or why she even cared in the first place.

She let out an awkward laugh as she avoided my eyes, "You and Kyle." She corrected, causing me to relax as a small grin formed on my face. Should I tell her the truth? I feel like it might get him in trouble though...

"Nothing important." I replied, ignoring as she glanced at me with knowing eyes "Nothing important?" She repeated "Yeah, nothing important. Just how we would go about setting up some type of COD tournament to see who's the best." I answered, mentally patting myself on the back for my amazing ability to think of a quick and believable lie on the spot.

She gave me a questioning look that I promptly ignored, "Where are we heading?" We both turned behind us to look at Ricky who was a few steps behind us. I tried my best to hold in my laughter as I noticed he was still pouting, I could tell by the way he was purposefully taking slow steps so he wouldn't be walking beside us and the fact that he had his hands deep in his pockets.

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