14 | Two sides of one pathetic coin

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"What the fuck?" I questioned out loud, watching as Kyle flinched on Zane's lap; He probably would've fell off if it hadn't been for Zane's tight grip on his waist.

Kyle looked back at me, his dark and tired eyes hazy as he glanced at my shocked figure before looking back to Zane, "Shit." He grumbled, as he took the sides of his face in his hands; Examining his bottom lip as Zane quickly licked a spec of blood off it.

"Sorry, didn't mean to bite you." He said, looking at Zane's already healed lip. Zane grinned as he continued to look up at Kyle's tired expression and held a worried look.

They both looked back at me as I cleared my throat, Kyle sighed before climbing off of Zane, "You good?" He questioned as I stared between both of them, he looked back at Zane who just shrugged in reply to my shock.

"Are you guys.. mates?" I asked, whispering the last part as if I was telling a secret we didn't want anyone to hear. Kyle let out a breath of a laugh, shaking his head as he turned to Zane who had been doing nothing but ogling at him from the edge of the bed he was still sitting on.

Kyle picked up a random shirt off the ground, slipping it over his head; I'm a hundred percent sure the shirt he put on was Zane since it was at least a size too big and definitely not his style.

Zane groaned, pouting as his eye candy was taken away; Kyle scoffed, covering Zane's eyes before pushing his face back, "I'm going to help Eze with the snacks downstairs." He announced, heading towards the door before being stopped by Zane who put his arm around his waist.

Zane pulled him down onto his lap, kissing the side of his chin before whispering something in his ear, "Mhm." Kyle hummed, earning a chuckle from Zane as he finally released him, allowing him to leave.

Zane had a huge grin on his face as Kyle left the room, "So are y'all mates?" I repeated once he had left.

Zane's grin slightly fell but he quickly picked it back up, "Nah, we're not mates." he said nonchalantly, putting his arms in the air as he stretched. "We're not mates but we are dating, have been for the past six years." he finished saying with a proud smile.

"But.. aren't y'all both passed-"

"The age of finding your mate? yeah, we are." he said finishing my sentence with a small laugh, "We were dating before we turned eighteen and even though Kyle is a human we were still so sure that we'd be mates." he revealed, "Well me more than him, he said he didn't want to get his hopes up." A sad smile appeared on his face as he continued, not at all trying to hide his sadness at their situation.

He looked up at me, "When we found out we weren't mates we decided we'd still stay together; Because we love each other."

"But you went on that trip." I said, remembering the trip he had said all male wolves over eighteen took to look for their mates.

He let out a breath of a laugh, "Yeah, because it was mandatory." He sounded tired but kept his nice attitude regardless. "What would've happened if you found your mate?" I questioned.

He sighed, "Does it matter? I didn't find them." We made eye contact and I could feel myself becoming irritated at his nonchalant answers.

"Okay then what happens when you do find your mate?" I asked, he looked up at me from his position on the bed. "I guess we break up?" he said, more like a question than a statement.

"What about Kyle?" I questioned, how is any of this fair to Kyle? How could Zane even think about dating someone else when his mate is still out there somewhere waiting for him?

"He's the one who came up with it." He shrugged his shoulders as he leaned farther into the bed "But-" I tried to argue but was cut off "Stefan..." he said, quietly trying to tell me he didn't want to continue the conversation.

I ignored his silent warning as I continued on, "Zane, nothing about this situation is fair to Kyle... You're a wolf so once you find your mate it'll be way easier for you to move on. He's a human." I seethed.

"Don't you think I know that already?" he questioned, looking away from me to the wall as I felt what little restraint he had left slipping away.

"Then why are you continuing to date him?" I harshly questioned, Zane looked at me with squinted eyes and a confused expression.

"Because I love him?" he answered with furrowed brows. I let out an unamused scoff, causing him to glance around the room before looking back at me "What?" He questioned.

I let out an irritated sigh, "You can't possibly love him. You're a wolf, the only person you could ever actually love is your mate." I argued, resulting in him letting out a dry laugh.

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