11 | Fight. Flight. Freeze

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"Mr. Meyer, please lift your head while I'm teaching." I looked up at the older lady as she continued staring at me. I glanced to the side when I heard a quiet chuckle, rolling my eyes when I saw it was the blonde douche from earlier. I let out a quiet scoff as I silently popped my knuckles. "You must pay attention in this class, you will need the credits if you want to graduate." Mrs. Ortiz, my bio teacher, continued to scold.

I closed my eyes, raking my hand through my hair as I took a deep breath, tilting my head back before letting it out and looking back at her, "Okay, sorry." I replied, a small nervous smile appeared on her face at my reply. I guess she expected me to argue her down; Why argue when I can just sleep sitting up?

Of course, I'm not going to do that though.

When class finally ended I was stopped by Ms. Ortiz, she held me there until everyone was gone before starting to speak. "I apologize if I offended you in any way Luna." She spoke quietly with her eyes to the ground.

I shifted on my feet, uncomfortable at the fact that my teacher was a member of Ades pack and that she already knew I was his mate. "It's fine." I shrugged "I'm your student, so I hope me being your... Luna, won't change the way you treat me." I answered, hesitating on calling myself her Luna.

She smiled as she lifted her eyes from the ground, "Thank you." I gave a small smile back before awkwardly nodding my head and leaving. As I walked out the room Eze, as usual, was waiting by the lockers across from the classroom; I glanced up at her before looking away with a quiet sigh and walking past, ignoring as she followed close behind me. "Is there a reason you're following me?" I questioned once her continuous hovering became too much to ignore.

"Well we are going to the same place." she answered simply, a small awkward smile on her face as she rubbed at the nape of her neck. "I'm assuming by the way you keep glancing at your phone we're not going to be riding together..." She trailed off and I noticed from the corner of my eye how she leaned closer to me, peering over my shoulder for a glimpse of my phone screen.

I turned my screen off and put my phone back into my pocket, "Yep, Ricky's going to pick me up. Should be here any minute now." She seemed confused at my answer as she sped up to walk beside me.

"Isn't his school almost thirty minutes away? How could he get here so soon?" she questioned. I could see she was clearly hesitant to ask by the way she kept glancing at me, refusing to hold eye contact. "He decided to leave early so I wouldn't have to wait as long as last time." She hummed in reply and I looked away, focusing on walking as I assumed the conversation was over with. "But doesn't he go to some prestigious private school?"

"Yeah?" I replied with a raised brow, silently questioning what that had to do with anything. "Can he really  afford to be skipping school if he goes to that kind of school?" I looked over to her with the same raised brow, she glanced away at my stare but was quick to look back.

"I'm just trying to say that.. since he goes to a private school..  it would've probably been better for you to come with us. That way he wouldn't have to miss any important classes?" She explained. I looked away with a hum.

"Does it really matter?" I questioned as we finally made it out of the enormous school, "I'm not forcing him to leave early, he offered and I didn't decline." I shrugged as she remained silent, I could tell she wanted to say more; Honestly it was starting to get a little irritating, why does she care so much about what Ricky decides to do with his time?

"Hey puppy!" I looked up to Ricky as he called out to me, he had a big smile on his face as he sat his helmet down before making his way to us, "How was school?" He questioned, looking at both of us.

Eze answered with good and I grumbled under my breath, "Met some random douchebag but besides that my day was just fine and dandy." I tried not to sound sarcastic but the words came out before I could stop them. Mood swings, a symptom that comes with a strained mate bond, if I had been fully rejected and accepted the rejection it'd only last a week but since I haven't been rejected, my terrible relationship with my mate is hurting our bond and probably causing both of us negative side effects.

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