18 | Hangouts with a hangover

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I shifted back as I came up to the front of the large two story home, shivering as the chilly breeze went from feeling comfortable to harsh in a matter of seconds. "Ricky." I whispered, looking up to the second story window I knew belonged to him. "Psst, Ricky! Hello?" I whispered a bit louder, groaning when I received no answer in reply.

I rubbed my hands over my freezing arms, searching for something I could use to get up there. "Ah." I hummed, sending a grateful prayer to the goddess when I came across a ladder just laying in the yard.

I took my time climbing the ladder, mostly because the cold metal felt terrible against my already freezing skin. When I reached the top I knocked on his window, blowing hot air into my palms as I waited for him to wake up.

When he didn't react to my knock I did it again, this time louder, I was basically banging on his window at this point. Ricky shot right up after the fourth knock, squinting his eyes at the window as he took small cautious steps towards me.

"Stefan?" He questioned once he was close enough to see me "What the fuck are you doing out there?" He said, tiredly gesturing towards the window.

"O-open the window." I chittered as the wind picked up, he immediately opened the window and helped me inside. "Where did you find a ladder?" He frowned, his brow raised in a manner I was very familiar with. "Stefan-"

"Before you say anything." I said cutting him off with a hand raised. "I was already talking." He stated, crossing his arms as he beckoned me to continue. "I'm drunk."

"Stefan-" he started again getting cut off when I shushed him with yet another raised hand. "Wait, quiet." He shut up at my words glancing around the room as he tried searching for what he thought I was hearing, in reality I just didn't want to hear his scolding.

Once he was done observing the room he gave me a confused glare, "I need sleep." I said, falling face first on his large mattress. "Stefan-"

"Ricardo." I answered back, my voice coming out as a muffled mess as I spoke through the large comforter. He let out a tired sigh as I heard his heavy footsteps coming closer, "You're going to suffocate if you sleep like that." He scolded instead of saying what we both knew he wanted to.

"Good." I mumbled back, nodding off into the comfort of the warm blanket "Alright." Ricky said before I felt myself being lifted up and set back on my feet.

I glanced from my now planted feet to the bed, tearing up as I lost the comfortable feeling that had just been surrounding me "Woah, hey hey, what's wrong?" Ricky questioned, holding both my shoulders as he struggled to get his face in front of mine.

I sniffed as my eyes filled with tears before roughly wiping them away, "I'm tired." I cried. Ricky stood still for a few moments, just watching me as I cried before letting out another sigh "Who would've thought you were the type to get emotional when drunk." He muttered to himself as he let me go.

He disappeared into his closet as I continued sniffing, "Here, put this on." He said, handing me a shirt and a pair of shorts. "Why?" I croaked through my sniffles.

"Because you're naked, Stefan." He said, pushing the clothes into my arms. I stumbled to put them on and I could tell he was frustrated because it took longer for him to start helping me than it usually would've. "Now can I sleep?"

"Yes Stefan, now you can sleep." I followed him to the bed and slid in, sprawling my body across the entire thing. "Move over." He ordered, pushing my dead weight to the other side of the bed as he also climbed in.

I flipped over on my other side so I was facing his back, "Ricardo?" I called, getting a groan in reply. "What?" He questioned tiredly.

"I'm tired." I whined. He remained quiet for a few seconds before flipping over to face me. He sat up and pulled up something by our feet and I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was a blanket. "Get some rest, puppy." He said, firmly placing the blanket around me; I hummed in reply, nodding my head as I started to doze off.


"Get up." I groaned as Ricky hit me with yet another pillow. I am currently laying face flat on his bed with a pounding headache that's truthfully gotten worse since he started talking.

I peeked to the side at Ricky as he stood over me with a look of disapproval, I'm assuming he just got up as well since the only thing he had on were a pair of pants (that were still unbuttoned) and his hair was extremely messy.

I flipped over on my back, using my arm to shield my eyes from the room light, "What?" I groaned. He sighed and I peeked under my arm just in time to see him rolling his eyes as he walked away.

"Get up, Stefan." He repeated, coming back with a half drank water bottle and two pills. I reluctantly sat up when he stayed waiting by the bedside, and graciously took the medicine and water. "Get dressed." He said once I had finished taking the medicine.

"That doesn't look like your school uniform." I rasped. He didn't turn around as he buttoned his pants and grabbed a red shirt that was neatly folded on his dresser. "It's not." He said, finally responding as he pulled the shirt over his head.

I stretched before crawling out the bed, I went to reach into his drawers but was stopped when he suddenly grabbed my shoulder and dragged me to his restroom "Take a shower first." He scolded.

"You literally just told me to get dressed." I reminded, glaring when he rolled his eyes in reply, continuing to place me in the restroom. "Just do what I say." He said before closing the door behind him.

I stared confusedly at the door before just deciding to do what he said, I took a long shower in steaming hot water. It helped with the headache and my tiredness so I really took my time. When I got out of the shower Ricky handed me a towel through the door, then my clothes, and before I knew it I was completely dressed.

"Where are we going?" I questioned as I followed him down the steps, I watched as he grabbed Richards car keys off the key rack before continuing on to the door. "Are we not riding your motorcycle today?" I questioned, this time looking at him but he said nothing as he walked past me to the car.

Once we were both in the car I turned to look at him, he didn't look mad. "It's so dark out, what time is it?" I asked, trying to get a response but ultimately getting nothing. I groaned, realizing all I could do was sit and wait for him to be ready to talk or to want to.

The car ride was quiet and if it hadn't been for the tension it would've probably been just as comfortable as usual, I watched the scenery outside the car, stealing glances towards Ricky every now and then.

About half an hour later we were pulling up into the parking lot of a local burger spot in town, he took the keys out the ignition before getting out and walking inside with me not too far behind him. I followed him to a table and just watched as he ordered both our foods, he didn't actually acknowledge me until our burgers arrived.

"Hangover meal, supposed to help with, well, hangovers I guess." He said, answering my silent question. I nodded my head in reply as I sat staring at the burger "Eat, Stefan." I nodded again but this time lifted the burger and took a big bite out of it.

I moaned in delight at the multiple flavors that filled my mouth and was happy to hear Ricky laugh at the sound. We finished our meals in silence and I watched him pay for it before silently following him back to the car.

"Where are we going?" I questioned as we passed his home. "Are we really not going to school today?" I asked, turning from the window to him with furrowed brows.

"Nope." He answered simply, keeping his eyes on the road. I opened my mouth but closed it shortly after, deciding not to question him further since the chances of him answering were low anyway.

We drove for about an hour and I was sure we had completely left the town by time he finally slowed to a complete stop. I looked around at where he had parked us; We were stopped in a secluded path that I assumed, by the way we seemed to be completely surrounded by trees, was deep in the woods.

"Go ahead." He said, nodding towards the path, there was a bright light towards the direction he signaled at "By myself?" I questioned, nervous at what was waiting at the end of the path.

He nodded in reply to my questioned and I gulped as I looked from him to the path, I slowly opened my door and inched my way out, making my way towards the blinding light.

The closer I got the less trees there were and the more I was able to realize just what the bright light was, the sun. The long dirt path led to a cliff, a cliff that looked over the entire town; I cautiously stepped closer to the edge, staring in awe at the abundant amount of trees that stood just below the edge.

There was a cool breeze that balanced out the bright rays from the sun and I couldn't help but smile at the scene before me, closing my eyes to relish in the feeling of the air pushing against my warm skin.

"Pretty right?" I turned at the sound of Ricky's voice, smiling as he walked up beside me. He looked down at me with a smile that matched my own; I watched curiously as he crouched down and sat on the edge of the cliff, swinging his feet so that they were hanging over the edge. "Sit." He said, patting the empty space beside him.

I wasted no time in sitting beside him, letting out a breath of fresh air as I continued to look over the beautiful scene. "Found this place a few days after we moved here." He suddenly revealed, causing me to turn my attention to him "I don't know why I didn't tell you, I guess it didn't seem too important but, after last night.. I figured giving you a secluded place to just breathe, would do you some good." He finished glancing down at me before quickly looking away.

I hummed in reply, leaning my head against his shoulder with a satisfied smile, "Thank you." I replied, my smile growing when he let out a heavy sigh and leaned his head against my own.

"I'm assuming you're still expecting an explanation?" I questioned after moments of silence, continuing to look towards the horizon.

"Of course." He replied, laughing when I groaned in reply. "Yeah I had a feeling." I grumbled, still leaning farther into him as he wrapped an arm over my shoulders.

He remained quiet as he allowed me the time to gather my words, "The party fucking sucked." I said, finally answering his silent question. "Really?" He asked back sarcastically, glancing down at me with playfully squinted eyes as he feigned confusion.

I rolled my eyes, "My mates' ex showed up." I continued. He hummed in reply, going quiet before turning to me with a genuinely shocked expression, "Wait what??"

"Actually the party was a welcome home party for her." I nonchalantly revealed, almost laughing at how wide his eyes got at my words. "What-?"

"And then mate spent the entirety of the party all up on her, purposefully trying to make me believe they were still together, I got wasted for the first time-"

"I already knew that but go on." He said, cutting me off for no reason at all; I rolled my eyes at his interruption "Um, I got in a fight with my mates' beta, Leon is pissed at me, anddd oh yeah I found out my mates' ex is a wolf-witch hybrid." I said, finally finishing my vague recap of last night's events.

Ricky looked down at me with slightly parted lips and a blank expression, blinking his eyes a few times, "I think you lost me, did you say a witch-wolf hybrid?" He questioned as his brows knitted together in question.

"No, that's not what I said." He breathed a sigh of relief letting out a tense laugh as he turned away "Okay yeah, I must've just been hearing things; There's no way-"

"I said wolf-witch hybrid, not witch-wolf hybrid." I corrected, interrupted his rapid mumbling. He stilled at my words slowly turning to face me, we stayed staring at each other for a few moments before he bursted into a fit of awkward laughter "What the actual fuck is going on??" He questioned out hysterically.

I let him get all the laughing out his system, watching as he finished by taking a deep breath, "So let me get this straight, your asshole of a mate not only tried to reject you but also cheated on you-"

"He didn't cheat on me-" I tried to correct him but immediately was cut off by a growl. "Now would not be the best time to try and correct me, especially if you're just doing it to defend him." I gulped at his words, backing down and allowing him to finish.

"As I was saying, your mate not only tried rejecting you but also technically cheated on you in front of your face and to make matters worse his ex is half witch." I bit my tongue to stop myself from mentioning the part about her being raised by wolf hating witches and about her being extremely powerful.

"Am I missing anything?" He questioned, probably noticing my clenched jaw. I avoided his gaze as I shook my head in reply "Nope."

He stared at me with squinted eyes, knowing I was lying but trying to decide rather or not he wanted to push the manner; Thankfully he decided against it.

Ricky let out a deep sigh and I shrunk in place at how frustrated it sounded. "Before you say anything, no." I spoke up, avoiding his gaze as he looked down at me with silver eyes. "No, what?" He questioned.

"No I'm not going to stop visiting his pack and no I'm not going to reject him." I glanced down at the multiple trees below as he eyes bore holes into my own, I expected him to blow up but all he did was let out a disappointed sigh before getting up from the ledge "I don't understand you." He mumbled as he got up.

"Of course you don't." I mumbled back, under my breath. He froze in his spot, turning to me with squinted eyes, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" He questioned back, clearly becoming increasingly more irritated at my words.

I held his gaze as he stared down at me before letting out a breath, "I'm just saying I'm not surprised you don't understand my thought process ." I repeated.

"Why? Because I don't have a mate?" He questioned harshly as I stood up from the edge, walking closer. "Anyone who's actually met their mate wouldn't be so quick to just reject them." I answered, getting an eye roll and an unamused laugh in reply.

"Oh fuck off." He responded angrily, walking away towards the car as I followed after him "It's the truth!" I said, shouting so he could hear me as he continued speed-walking away. "Yeah I guess your mate didn't get the memo." He spat back.

I furrowed my brows at his reply, "Woah, what the fuck is up with you today?" He stopped at my question, turning to face me as I did the same "I'm tired Stefan, tired of you treating me like an idiot and tired of you not listening to me."

"You're not my fucking dad Ricky, I don't have to listen to you." I answered back, causing him to sigh, "My opinion on you and your mate had nothing to do with my.. lack of one. Your mates a dick, he tried rejecting you and openly hit on his ex in front of you! If we were human, relationships like this would be considered toxic, you know."

"But we're not humans Ricky! Stop applying human rules to this, it's not the same." I said, frowning as he rolled his eyes. "I'm not applying 'human rules' to this, I'm using them as an example." He explained, "Well it's a shit example."

"Okay, how about this? What if I was in the same situation? What if I had a mate that wanted to reject me and continuously berated me for not wanting the same?" He questioned.

I opened my mouth to reply but stopped as I genuinely thought over the question, what would I do if Ricky was in this situation? If he had a mate that was purposefully hurting him?

Ricky sighed at my silence, grabbing my hand and leading us back to the car. "I'm not trying to control you. I swear I really am trying to understand why you're continuing to go along with this, it's just hard." He explained "Try to understand where I'm coming from. You're one of the most important people in my life Stefan, I'm just scared you're gonna be hurt."

I stopped in my tracks, pulling and turning him back by our connected hands "Scared?" I asked, "You're scared?" I questioned further. He stayed staring at the ground and my heart hurt at the pained expression he held.

"Of course I'm scared, an alphas rejection could seriously hurt you and the longer you stay around him the worse the rejection will be when it happens. I'm scared you'll be killed." He revealed.

"I won't-"

"Don't say you won't because you don't know, neither of us do. Anything could happen, what if you get hurt and Oma's left alone?"

"Don't do that, don't use her against me." My fist clenched in on themselves "Fine then, what if you die and I'm left alone??" My eyes widened and my fist relaxed as I saw a lone tear fall down his face. I immediately went up to him and hugged him, shocked that he was crying over something I didn't think had anything to do with him.

I didn't know what to think, should I reassure him that he wouldn't be alone since he still would have his family? Should I apologize? Or- "I understand." I responded into his chest "I understand but, I need you to understand that I can't just give up. That I won't." He remained quiet as I stayed glued to him "Leon would kill me if I did." I joked, smiling when I got a watery laugh out of him.

We remained quiet, standing by the car in each other's embrace, "Alright." He said, finally pulling us apart "Let's go back, my mom's gonna kill us for skipping." He said, turning his face so I couldn't see; I laughed at his response despite knowing the joke was just his way of trying to fix the ruined mood.

"You more than me." I joked back, getting a slightly congested laugh in reply as he sniffed "Vouch for me, alright?" He said, getting back into the car.

"Sure, I guess I could help you out just this one time."

"Mhm." He laughed.

Almost Rejected | BXBHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin