12 | SOR - Mood swings

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"What did you say?" I questioned, looking up from my phone to the beta as he continued to make what he called "The best sandwiches in all creation".

He sighed, glancing up from the sandwiches to me, "I said, the pack is throwing a party in a few days for a returning member." He turned around to the stove as he started toasting the bread "Do you want to come?" He continued, looking back at me as he asked.

I nervously glanced at Ricky who was still swiping through his phone and Kyle who was glaring daggers at Zane's back, still upset about being prevented from getting another bowl of cereal.

We had finished the movie a little while ago and were now just all sitting on the stools around the middle island waiting for Zane to finish, per his request.

"Must be an important pack member if you're throwing a huge party at their return." I replied, dodging the question. Zane tensed at my reply, letting out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, she's a childhood friend. Grew up very close." He answered and I looked to the side as Kyle glanced up at him.

I hummed as he started carefully putting the sandwiches together, "Can you tell me about her?" I asked, earning a questioning stare from Ricky, who for the first time since we finished the movie, was finally off his phone.

Zane paused for a moment before setting one plate each in front of both me and Ricky, "She's our former gamma's adopted daughter; That's why we're so close with her, we really did grow up with her and Joseph." He let out a small laugh as he cut one of the sandwiches in half and split it with Kyle.

I watched as Kyle glared down at the sandwich before glancing up at Zane who nodded his head towards the food with a grin, Kyle let out a quiet huff before nibbling at his half, "Joseph?" I questioned after moments of silence.

"Our gamma." This time Kyle was the one who replied, holding a hand to his mouth as he pushed his plate away from him. Zane, who had already finished his half in seconds, took the rest of his sandwich and swallowed it in one bite.

"I didn't know you had a gamma." I replied, taking another bite of the delicious meat and cheese filled sandwich as Zane let out a laugh.

"Rare to see a pack without one." I hummed as I swallowed my bite. Damn this is one hell of a sandwich and I could tell Ricky thought the same since he was taking slow bites, enjoying every last crumb that fell onto the plate.

I shrugged as I looked back up at him, "I just assumed you guys were that rare occasion." He hummed in reply as he sat his and Kyles' dish in the sink.

"I can see why you would think that." He replied "Joseph handles a lot of the pack's information so few people outside the pack actually know about him and he doesn't live in the pack house or town per his request."

"Does he at least live on pack grounds?" I questioned, genuinely curious to know more about the mystery man he was telling me about "Of course, he still needs to be close enough to respond in case of emergencies." I nodded my head at his answer.

"Would this "childhood friend" be okay with you telling me this much information?" I questioned, changing the topic back to the mystery member.

"Are you talking about how she's adopted? I'm sure she wouldn't mind." He shrugged before letting out a quiet laugh, "You'd never know she was adopted if I hadn't given you a heads up."

"Why's that?" I questioned allowing him to take my now empty plate and put it in the sink along with Ricky's.

"They look almost identical." He sounded shocked like the thought of them looking biological was still surprising even now "They both have natural white hair and the same stoic personality, though Bell is a bit more bearable to be around." He joked and I let out a small laugh in reply.

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