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"Come on,  Hoseok hyung let me come." Jungkook begged.

" I said no, now drop it." Hoseok grabbed his wallet from the kitchen counter before pushing Jungkook out of the way and heading towards the living room.

"It's end of the summer party and don't forget that my best friend is throwing it. Taehyung hyung please do something . tell hyung to bring me too." Jungkook whined.

Taehyung puts his hands up in defense as he chuckles," That's your brother, Jungkook and i kind of agree with him anyways, What's a boy like you going to do at a party?"

"A boy like Me? what's that supposed to mean?"

Taehyung laughed. " Never mind . LEt's go dude, we gotta get there before all the chicks get taken."

Jungkook couldn't help but fell a gushing pain as Taehyung mentioned him being with someone else. How long before Jungkook would finally get Taehyung out of his head? It wasn't the fact that Jungkook knew Taehyung would never fell the same way Jungkook feels about him. 

Jungkook have know Taehyung particularly in his whole life. How could Jungkook even fall for Taehyung when he treated Jungkook like a crap all the time? Was it because Jungkook liked assholes? Because Taehyung is a complete asshole.. Jungkook seemed to be into them lately.

Did it make Jungkook a bad person to have feelings for someone else that isn't his boyfriend? Yes Baekhyun and Jungkook have been together for almost a year now and don't get Jungkook wrong, Baekhyun  is not that bad. They've had their share of lows, Even Baekhyun did cheat on Jungkook . His hyung nor Taehyung knew about that. If they did then Baekhyun wouldn't be alive right now. Jungkook forgave him, and they are trying to move forward. but, how when at the back of His head  Taehyung is always there?

Does that make Jungkook the cheater?

"Ugh! This is so unfair!" Jungkook stomp on the ground as he make his way up to stairs. passing His room he walk into his dad's office without knocking "Dad , please tell hyungs to take me with them to jimin's party that i was invited too."

"Oh God! , Jungkook " Mr Jeon slams his computer shut.

" What did i tell you about Knocking when the door is closed. Can't you see i'm working."

"Sorry>" Jungkook said. " But Hyung's going to JImin's [arty and he won't take me with him."

"Hoseok" Mr. Jeon yells out.

Jungkook heard His hyung and Taehyung talking down stairs before hearing heavy foot steps coming up the stairs.

"Yeah dad? " Hoseok appeared at the door, just barely coming in.

"Take your brother with you" Mr Jeon said.

"What? No wa--"He stopped mid sentence as their father stands up from his chair.

"It's not up for discussion. You want to go, take Jungkook with you >"

'Dad come on, What is he going to do in a party ? he doesn't even have any friends and i'm not baby sitting Him all night." Hoseok crossed his arms.

Jungkook gasp " I have friends"

"Jimin doesn't count" he rolled his eyes.

"You are taking your brother . now as much as i love you i need to get back to work.'" Mr  jeon pushed them out. " Don't come back too late." Mr Jeon kissed Jungkook's forehead and shut the door.

A smile forms on Jungkook's lips as he looked up at his hyung." HAAHAHAAH'

Hoseok rolled his eyes. " You have twenty minutes to get ready. Take longer and we're leaving you."

 [To Be Continued]


I know this is a short chapter ... bare with it.. 🙏

Next chapter will be little fun ... i promise..🤲🤲

Sorry if i made any mistakes, as you know english is not mine first language.. so please forgive me... 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

Leave your thoughts and don't be just a ghost reader .. do vote yeah ? ^_^

Your Author- nim ~ MAVAE 💜💜

I love you loads and tons 💖💖

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