A Few Weeks of Silence

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We hopped into the truck and she drove us to a little beige diner that I'm all to familiar with. Carver Cafe. Dad's favorite place to eat. It's a miracle that man hasn't had a heart attack. Dad's police cruiser was already outside, so Bella and I hopped out to meet him. He greeted us at the door and led us inside to a table.

    "Charlie." A waitress named Cora greeted him happily. She peered around him to see us and she gasped. "(Y/n), sweetie, how are you! I've missed seeing your beautiful face around here." She hugged me tightly and we both laughed.

    "Hi, Cora. It's so good to see you again. I hope this old man over here hasn't been causing to much trouble for you. Showing up all the time like he does." I grinned and my Dad rolled his eyes.

    "Of course, not. Perfect gentleman as always." She turned to see Bella. "Wow, look how much you've grown. It's so nice to see you again, Bella. Your Dad never stops talking about the two of you."

They awkwardly embraced in a hug. She walked us to a table and took our orders.

    "So how was school?" Dad asked.

    "Interesting." Both Bella and I say at the same time. We look at each other and laugh.

    "Make any friends?"

    "Yeah, a few actually." I take a sip of my water.

    "I have a couple, people who seem cool." Bella said quietly.

    "That's good. Good to hear." Dad nodded along.

The conversation kinda died off, because of all our awkward nature. Thank's for that Dad. Eventually our food came out and Cora brings it out to us.

    "Gosh, I just can't get over how grown up you are." She breathed, looking between Bella and I. "And so gorgeous." Cora smiled brightly at us.

    "Hey, (Y/n), Bella." A familiar voice said.

    "Hi, Waylon." I said with a mouth full of my bacon burger. Dad elbowed me and gave me a disapproving look.

    "You remember me?" He asked, directed at Bella. "I played Santa one year." He explained while he let out a small nervous laugh.

    "Yeah, Waylon, she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four." Dad reminded him.

    "I bet I made an impression though, didn't I?" Waylon gave us a look and placed his hands on his hips.

    "You always do." Dad smiled.

    "Butt-crack Santa?" Cora smirked at him. I let out a snort, and Bella chuckled quietly.

    "Hey, kids love those little bottles, though." He made a gesture with his two fingers symbolizing a small bottle.

    "All right, let the girls eat their burgers, Waylon." Cora gently pushed him away from the table. "As soon as you're done, I will bring you your favorite. Berry Cobbler, remember? Your sister gets it every time shes here in the summer, and your dad still has it. Every Thursday." She said giving him a look.

    "Thank you. That'd be great." Bella said giving Cora a grateful nod.

We all ate our dinner and headed back to the house.

    "We can do our homework in my room, if you want?" Bella suggested.


We headed into her room and pulled out our things. We got started and after about an hour we were worn out and bored. Saved by the ringing of Bella's cell, she answered it and placed the call on speaker.


    "Hi, Bella." I heard mom's voice through the phone. "Is your sister with you?"

    "Yeah, Mom. We're both right here." Bella turned the phone.

    "Hi, Mom." I said.

Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon