The Volturi

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We all got up and walked into the clearing the next day, standing together with our little families and respective loved ones. Emmett, Emalie and I front and center, so it wouldn't look like we were trying to hide anything. Edward and Bella, stood not far behind us. We all waited until Edward gave us the sign that they were close and approaching. We all looked out to the tree line, snow covered the ground and the trees, and we heard the running. The large Volturi group close.

"If we live through this." Garrett pointed out. "I'll follow you anywhere, woman." He smiled at Kate, who stood by him. She smiled at him and shook her head.

"Now, you tell me."

The Volturi walked through the tree line.

"The redcoat's are coming, the redcoat's are coming." Garrett said as he bounced on his feet anxiously.

The Volturi group was large. Much larger than our 28 Vampires. Emalie clung to me tighter seeing them approaching and I held her back, letting her know she was okay. Aro, Caius, Marcus, stood front and center, with the rest of the guard just behind them. The witnesses taking up the back. I took quick notice of Jane and Alec's whereabouts. Edward and Bella walked forward slightly, joining us at the front.

"Aro's looking for Alice." Edward said quietly.

We all took notice of Irina traveling with them. The Denali sister's, stiffened at the sight of her. I could see Irina gasp and look at them in shock, clearly confused why they would have joined us. The wolves all howled in the distance, walking forward out of the tree line behind us. Both Sam and Jacob's pack had come to join the fight with us. Making our number grow, although slight. Jacob walked forward and stood beside me. The sight of the wolves, stopped the Volturi from walking any further towards us.

"Aro, let us discuss things as we used to do. In a civilized manner." Carlisle stepped forward and spoke surely and clearly.

"Fair words, Carlisle." Aro said. "But a little out of place, given the battalion you've assembled against us."

"I can promise you, that was never my intent." Carlisle said. I watched Aro peek around him at my daughter. I glared at him and held her closely. "No laws have been broken."

"We see the child." Caius stated firmly. "Do not treat us as fool's."

"She is not an immortal!" Carlisle shouted. "These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look." He gestured back to Emalie with his hand. "See the flush of human blood in her cheeks."

"Artifice!" Caius shouted back.

"I will collect every facet of the truth." Aro held up a hand to silence them. "But from someone more central to the story. Emmett, as the child clings to your newborn mate, I assume you are involved." He held out a hand and walked a few steps forward.

Emmett smiled down at Emalie and brushed her hair back. He gave me a look and then walked forward towards the Volturi member's. I adjusted Emalie, putting her between Jacob's wolf and I, concentrating solely on Emmett. Trying to will out my shield. Bella beside me, grabbed my hand. We both attempted to shield him, only for it to snap back at us.

Aro took Emmett's hand in his own, cupping it, reading his mind. Aro's face went through a series of emotions, before he dropped his hand and looked over at Emalie and I again.

"I'd like to meet her." He said intrigued.

Emmett hesitantly turned around and gave us a look, telling us to come forward. I looked at him and then at Edward, who gave me a slight nod, after reading his mind. I held Emalie's hand and we walked forward. I looked back at Jake and Edward. They followed with us, Bella moving to stand with Carlisle and Esme. We gave them no look's of fear, only determination and anger.

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