The Volturi

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The car ride was a short, nail biting, silent ride. Once we got to the airport, Alice and Emmett bought our tickets and we all boarded the plane. Heading for Italy. Emmett and I's tickets had corresponding seat numbers. Meaning we had to sit together.

    "He's right... I did leave you. And you were right, I owe you an explanation." Emmett said quietly taking the seat next to me.

    "I need one." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "I deserve one." I said a little louder and firmer.

    "I need you to understand, that when the decision to leave was made. I fought against it. Almost all of us did. But at the same time, since Edward thought it was safest to leave, all of us had to go. We couldn't split up our family. We thought by leaving we were protecting you both. Giving you a shot at normal. Normal's what you wanted, so that was when I finally stopped fighting it... I was trying to do right by you and honestly, I came so close to caving that day that we left." He explained sadly.

    "That's why you couldn't even look at me... What about all those things you said?" I looked at his face and into his eyes, remembering all the heartbreaking words.

    "I knew if I looked at you, I would have never left. Believe me, I really didn't want to. I lied. I had to say all those things to make you stay. But never did I mean any of the hurtful things I said..."

    "You could have taken me with you... Instead of breaking my heart into a million pieces." I pointed out. On the verge of tear's. I tried so hard to hold them back. Emmett reached out and stoked my hand lightly. I was so angry and hurt, I wanted to pull away but I couldn't make myself do it.

    "You think I didn't want to do that? I wanted to beg you to come with me that day. I really did. It was Edward's final decision to leave. Not mine. I tried to convince them to let me take you with me. But for the same reason I didn't stay alone, is the same reason you couldn't come. Bella's your family and if I had asked you to leave with me would you have really left your sister behind?" He asked softly with a knowing look. I looked back up at him and sighed.

    "No, you're right. I wouldn't have. Just like how you didn't want to split up from your family. I suppose that makes sense..." I grumbled a bit before speaking again. "I'm still mad. Like really mad."

    "I'd expect nothing less. If being with me is what you choose. I promise to spend the rest of Eternity trying to make this up to you, (Y/n) Swan. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about you. Not a single day has gone by since leaving, that I haven't loved you." He said in a sweet voice.

    "I never stopped loving you either, just like I promised. I thought about you everyday too. I know Bella said she explained the Jacob situation, but I feel like I need too." He nodded and took a soft hold on my hand and interlocked our fingers. That familiar rush of fireworks still remained. "Jacob has been my best friend since we were in diapers. He was there for me when you weren't. I won't be able to just let that go, and I need you to be okay with that. I love him, Emmett. I do, but not in the way you think. It's a platonic kind of love. Something between friends. The best of friends. And it's not the way I love you."

    "It's okay. I know. You don't need to explain. I need you to know something to. I'm not going anywhere from now on. This time I really mean it. The only time I'll leave is if you order me away. If you ever did and chose to be with him because you want that. I can't tell you I'd be happy, but your happiness is what matters most to me. I would never try to stop you from being happy, (Y/n)."

    "I missed you, Emmett." I buried my face into his shoulder.

    "I missed you to, (Y/n)." Emmett put his face in my hair.

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