New Moon: The Beginning of Our 18th Birthday

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It's been 8 months since I met Emmett Cullen. 7 months since Emmett and I became a couple. And 7 months since I entered into the world of the supernatural. That's right, my boyfriend is a vampire. He's not the scary fanged kind, with dungeons, moats, capes and coffins. He's the tough, strong kind on the outside. But inside, he's a caring, loving, sweet, gentleman. Who buys me flower's randomly. Who constantly makes me laugh. He is constantly saving me from the danger's of the world.

I've been having nightmares since the incident with James that happened 6 months ago. Emmett sleep's over every night, sneaking in though my window, which is on the second floor by the way. But he's a vampire, it's easy for him. Having Emmett there next to me at night lessens the chance of me having a nightmare. He make's me feel safe and protected. And since the incident, he's become twice as overprotective then he was before.

Sure it's within the right reasoning for him to be. Sometimes it can be a bit much. But I love him all the same. My arm, shoulder, wrist and hand are healed now. Got my brace off yesterday. 6 month's of physical therapy it took to get my arm back to a semi-normal state. It still shakes a bit sometimes but at least there's no pain anymore.

My sister you ask? Oh, Bella's great. Madly in love with another vampire herself. Emmett's adopted brother Edward Cullen. Since the incident though she's changed. She's obsessed with wanting to become a vampire herself. Edward refuses to take her 'humanity' from her. Which I agree with. I don't want to change unless I have to. Sure I don't want to be to much older than Emmett when or if I change. But my sister. She's gone full crazy with it. She has refused to go beyond 18 without becoming changed. That's kind of where our story begins.

September 13th 2005. Bella and I's 18th birthday.

    "Do you think she'll be pissed?" Emmett whispered looking at me sleeping on my bed. Sprawled out, drooling, hair a mess.

    "Oh, yeah. She'll hate you for about an hour. You sure you want to do this?" My twin sister asked him.

    "Oh, yeah. I can handle her tiny angry butt." He smirked at her.

They held their confetti canons steady, silly string spray, armed and ready to go, and a loud blow horn.

    "3...2...1... GO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!" Emmett and Bella screamed at the top of their lungs. The horn went off near my ear making me jump about 10 feet in the air and fall to the floor.

    "What the hell!" I shouted angrily. I looked up for a mere second and suddenly was being attacked by silly string and confetti canons blasting at me. "Stop it!" I whined and pouted.

    "Happy birthday, babe!" Emmett said happily leaning down to try and kiss my forehead. I leaned away from him and tossed my hand in his face.

    "Nope! Talk to the hand." I scoffed.

    "Come on, babe. It was just a harmless birthday prank. Kiss me." He grinned.

    "No, I hate you. Both of you." I glared at each of them. I slowly got up off the floor only to be engulfed by two giant arms.

    "Well, now I'm not letting go until you take that back." Emmett gripped me tightly enough without hurting me, but I couldn't get away.

    "I'm going to get ready for school now. You two might want to hurry up. Love you, (Y/n/n)." Bella said leaving the room.

    "I hate you too!" I yelled after her and I could hear her chuckle across the hall. "You know you're so cleaning this mess. The whole thing. All by yourself." I gestured to the string and confetti all over my floor, while trying to keep a serious straight face.

    "Will you take back your I hate you, if I promise to clean it?" He raised an eyebrow and moved his head to look at me from the side since he was behind me.

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