The Field Trip

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We pulled up in the truck and got out, seeing two school buses parked near the entrance to the school. Mr. Molina was shouting to all the students looking for their permission slips. Bella and I both looked to the ground which was where we had the accident. Glass was still strewn about, tires marks on the ground. Bella was almost enchanted by the sight. She had told me what Edward told her. He was pretty cross with her, while Emmett, wasn't very forth coming with information either but at least he was nice about it. Both of us were determined to find out what was up with them.

    "Look at you guys, huh?" Mike popped up suddenly in front of us. I peered around him able to see Emmett standing aways away from us, but he was smirking. Edward stood a bit further away and also appeared to be listening, some how. "You're alive." Mike said in a funny accent raising his hands like he was raising us from our graves.

    "I know, yeah. False alarm, I guess." Bella told him.

    "Uhm, yeah. So, Bella. I wanted to ask you, ya know, if you. I know it's like a month away, but like..." He chuckled nervously as he stuttered. "Do you want to go to prom with me?"

I looked at Bella to see her staring at Edward, clearly not paying attention to Mike. I elbowed her.

    "Ow." She glared at me. I gestured my head back to Mike. "What?" She asked softly.

    "Do you want to go?" He looked at her confused as to why she didn't hear him the first time. "To Prom... with me?" Mike chuckled nervously.

    "Oh! Oh, I... Prom? Dancing? Not such a good idea for me... uh... I actually have something that weekend anyways. I'm going to Jacksonville that weekend." She shrugged giving him a sympathetic look.

    "You can't go another weekend?" He asked her sadly.

    "Non-refundable ticket." She replied quickly. Mike turned to look at me. Oh no.

    "What about you?"

    "Wow. As charming as that was for an invitation to Prom. Right after you asked my sister. In front of me. I'm going to have to decline dear Michael. I'll be going with her to Jacksonville, anyways." I scoffed looking at him up and down clearly unimpressed. I could suddenly hear Emmett's booming laughter from across the lot, next to Edward who looked like he was trying to hide a smirk.

    "You should ask Jessica!" Bella jumped back into the conversation. "I know she really wants to go with you."

Mike looked back at Jess who was over near the buses, and then back at Bella and I before simply walking away.

    "Seriously?" Bella gave me a dirty look.

    "What? Did you seriously expect me to say yes?" I scoffed and furrowed my eyebrows at her.

    "Well, no. But he's your friend, you could have let him down a little nicer." She scoffed back.

    "Are you kidding? Bells... I don't even have the energy to argue with you." I put up my hand and walked across the lot towards the buses.

    "Hey, why don't you come sit with us?" Alice popped up from out of nowhere.

    "Jesus, Alice." I put my hand over my chest. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

She giggled her little bell like sound. Alice pulled on my sleeve and dragged me to her bus and towards the back. Pushing me into the window seat and she sat at the edge.

    "Hey, how come I don't get to sit next to (Y/n)?" Emmett leaned forward and asked, putting his head between us. Giving a little pout. Alice pushed his head back.

    "Because you have all of eternity to sit with her. She's my best friend. I get her for today." She looped her arm with mine.

Emmett grumbled in his seat behind ours. I swear I could of hear him say "How am I suppose to earn an eternity with her if you hog her?"

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