Our Honeymoon

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As we began driving away, I heard the loud piercing sound's of a wolf's crying howl in the distance. It broke my heart. But I've chosen my life and I'm going to begin living it. We made it to a private plane, and climbed aboard. The flight was long as I fell asleep on Emmett's shoulder. When I felt him gently shaking me awake he told me to look out the window. When I did I saw we were in Rio De Janeiro. We flew over the famous large Jesus statue. The city was beautiful and massive.

So many colorful lights, paintings on the buildings, so many people walking the streets. I watched in awe as we drove through the city, Emmett's arm wrapped around my shoulder. He told the driver to pull over and we got out, walking into what seemed like a festival going on. There was many couples everywhere kissing one another. Emmett stopped us in the middle of the crowd and kissed me softly.

We made it to a boat launch and Emmett loaded our luggage into a small speed boat.

    "So, we're not staying in Rio?" I asked as he helped me into the boat.

    "No, Just passing through." Emmett chuckled.

    "Are we close?" I asked curiously sitting down in the passenger seat.

He only grinned at me and we rode out into the harbor, traveling farther and farther away from Rio through the night. Soon enough a large single island laid out in front of us, coming into view.

    "That's Isle Esme. It was a gift from Carlisle." Emmett stated.

    "That's an insane gift." I said surprised.

We drove closer and we could see a cute little bungalow along the edge of the water. Emmett pulled the boat into a small dock. And we walked towards the house, hand in hand. He quickly lifted me up bridal style and carried me through the threshold. I squealed in delight. He placed me back on my feet after we made it inside and I looked around the room. It was a beautiful set up. Lots of plants, large open windows, the furniture and decor was stunning.

    "You take a look around. I'll get the rest of our things."

There was a large kitchen, an open living room, and then I walked to the bedroom, excited to see where we'd be staying. A king sized bed at in the middle of the room, a door right out to the beach on the side. Emmett walked in and set my suitcase and bag on the chest in front of the bed.

    "Are you tired?" He asked taking my hands in his. I breathed out nervously and shook my head. "Do you want to go for a swim?"

    "Yeah, that sounds really nice." We awkwardly smiled at one another. I shouldn't be this nervous, we've spent the night together hundreds of times before. I thought to myself and grinned at him. "Let me have a few minutes to get changed?"

    "Sure. Just don't take to long, Mrs. Cullen." He kissed my forehead and smiled walking out the room towards the beach.

I grabbed the small bag Alice had packed me with all my toiletries and other human necessity's I'd need while I was here. I searched for a swim suit only to come up empty. I groaned slightly and sighed.

    "Okay, he's your husband now. You can do this. Don't be a wimp." I attempted to pep talk myself.

I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I wrapped myself into a towel and walked outside. The site I was left with was Emmett's clothes strewn along the beach leading up towards the water. And he himself already waded out. I dropped my towel with the small amount of courage I had left. Wading into the warm waters beside him.

    "You're so beautiful." He commented looking at me up and down. I put my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist hoisting me up onto him.

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