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    "Hey, Mom. It's me again. You must have let your phone die or something. (Y/n) and I aren't in Forks, everything's okay, but I'll explain later." Bella left Mom another voicemail on her cell phone.

It took us a whole day to drive from Forks, Washington, to Phoenix, Arizona. Alice and Jasper got us a hotel room at a Marriott. It was pretty nice, but both Bella and I couldn't help but feel like half of us was missing. Being so far away from Emmett was excruciating. The fear of the unknown is what made it the most unbearable.

The second day in the hotel room, Alice and Jasper were sitting on the couch. Bella and I were playing checkers trying to keep ourselves busy. Alice let out a gasp and her eyes glazed over.

    "What is it? What do you see?" Jasper asked her concerned. Bella and I, both got up and walked over to her quickly.

    "The tracker, he just changed course."

    "Where will it take him, Alice?" Jasper handed her a piece of paper and a pencil.

    "Mirrors. A room full of mirrors." She began to draw, while we all watched curiously.

    "Edward said the visions weren't always certain." Bella spoke up.

    "She see's the course people are on while they're on it. If they change their minds, the vision changes." Jasper explained further to her.

    "Okay, so the course the Tracker's on now is gonna lead him to a Ballet studio?" I asked curiously, looking at the drawing on the table that Alice had just finished. Alice's eyes returned to normal, she and Jasper looked at me wide eyed.

    "You've been here?" Alice asked.

    "We, uh, took lessons as kids. The school we went to had an archway just like that. Remember, Bells?"

    "Yeah, I think she's right." She nodded.

    "Was your school here in Phoenix?" Jasper asked urgently.

    "Yeah." My phone suddenly rang in my pocket. I saw Emmett's name. "Emmett?! Are you okay?"

    "I'm fine, babe. We've lost the tracker though. The woman's still in the area. Rosalie and Esme are going back to Forks to protect your Father. I'm coming to get you. You and I will go somewhere alone. The other's will keep hunting. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you. I made you and myself a promise and I intend to keep it."

I let out a sigh.

    "Okay. I'll see you soon."

    "See you soon."

I let the others know that Emmett and Edward were on their way. Alice and Jasper left the hotel room to go down to the main lobby to get us checked out while Bella and I packed our thing's.

    "I don't want to split away from you." Bella spoke up to break the silence.

    "I don't either. Are they sure it's safe to spilt us up? I mean stronger together, right?" I asked glancing at her.

    "That's what I would have thought too..." She mumbled.

Bella's phone rang this time. The caller ID showed it was home calling, which meant Mom was in Phoenix and finally calling us back. Bella answered and put it on speaker phone.

    "Hey, Mom, I'm glad you finally got my message. What are you doing home?" Bella asked into the phone.

    "Bella, Bella, (Y/n)! Where are you?" She asked frantically.

    "Calm down, everything's fine." I said softly.

    "(Y/n), Bella." She sounded a little softer now.

Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now