Blood Supply

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Another few days had past. I was getting weaker and weaker by the day. I couldn't hold down almost any food anymore. Carlisle had set up an IV to pump saline into my body to help keep me hydrated. Being as small and frail as I was, It felt almost impossible to keep warm. The family had gathered around in the living room to watch the football game. I was covered with blankets and a sweater trying to pull the sleeves down.

"Are you cold?" Emmett asked softly as he sat at the side of the couch. He'd since apologized and tried to assure me he still loved me, which I knew. He was just worried. Secretly so was I. I hummed in response and nodded. Jacob who was sitting at the other end of my couch leaned up.

"I got it." He said. Jacob scooted closer next to me and I snuggled into his warm side making me lightly smile. "Don't do that." He said.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Smile like I am your favorite person in the world." He said with a shake of his head.

"You're one of them..." I told him weakly and let out a sigh. "It feels complete when you're here, Jake." I tried to relax my body, but I felt another wave of nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. I adjusted to quickly maneuver myself as much as my body would allow me to move. I leaned over the couch and Emmett held up the bucket quickly for me to puke in.

I heaved a few times and Jake rubbed my back, but nothing came out.

"God..." I mumbled.

"We need to find a way to get some food into her system." Esme said.

"If I could only see the fetus..." Alice grumbled looking at me concerned.

"Baby." Bella corrected gently.

"Maybe, I could figure out what it wants." Alice sent a soft glare at my sister.

We all sat silently for a minute before Edward spoke up.

"Maybe you're right. Jacob had an idea."

"What was it?" Emmett asked him with curiosity.

"It wasn't an idea... It was more of a snide comment." Jacob smiled at himself.

"What were you thinking?" Emmett asked him with almost pleading eyes.

"That it's probably just looking for someone to sink it's teeth into." Jacob shrugged and lightly chuckled to himself.

"She's thirsty." I said weakly with realization.

"I know the feeling." Henry grumbled.

"If it's craving, it's not going to want animal blood." Emmett said quickly looking over at Carlisle.

"I have some o negative laid aside for (Y/n)." Carlisle walked out of the room to his office where the little hospital area was set up.

"Walk with me." Alice said quickly to Jasper and took his hand.

"Bella, you should go to." Edward said softly to her.

"I'm fine. I can handle it." Bella told him stubbornly.

Rosalie gave Henry a look and he walked out too. Left around me was, Edward, Bella, Rosalie, Esme, Emmett and Jacob. Carlisle came back into the room with a styrofoam cup squeezing the blood bag into it. I could see how tense they all became, except Edward and Emmett. Jacob's eye's widened as Carlisle got closer.

"Wait, wait, wait." Jacob said starting to freak out. "You're going to make her drink that?" He gestured to the cup in his hands.

"It's the fastest way to check the theory." Carlisle explained to him.

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