Testing The Gift's

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As we stood outside Jacob and a new pack of wolves showed up, but a sudden running sound was heard through the forest. It caught all of our immediate attention, seeing as we weren't expecting anymore vampires. I grabbed Emalie and the others stood in front of us, Emmett by my side. Two vampires from Romania had appeared, one bleach blonde and the other dark haired.

    "Vladimir, Stephan, you're a long way from home." Carlisle called out to them as they sat just outside of Jacob's reach.

    "What are they doing here?" Kate snarled.

    "We heard the Volturi were moving against you. But that you would not stand alone." The blonde one named Vladimir said.

    "We didn't do what we were accused of." Carlisle explained with a shake of his head.

    "We do not care what you did, Carlisle." Vladimir rolled his eyes.

    "We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged." Stephan smirked as he slowly spoke each word.

    "It's not our plan to fight the Volturi." Carlisle said gruffly.

    "Shame." Vladimir spat. "Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed." He said to his brother.

    "They enjoy a good fight." The other chuckled.

    "Aro's witnesses?" Eleazar stepped forward with a concerned look.

    "Aww, still hoping they'll listen?" Vladimir cooed.

We went back inside the house so Eleazar could explain his concern.

    "When Aro wants someone from a coven, it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime." He explained, knowing from his past what he'd witnessed, once being apart of the Volturi.

    "So, he's done this before?" Bella asked.

    "It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern."

Jacob and I sat with Emalie across both of our laps.

    "Apparently he always pardons one person whose thought's he claimed are repentant." Carlisle said.

    "This person ALWAYS has an ability. And they're always given a place with the guard." Eleazar said.

    "This is all about Alice." Edward said suddenly being hit with realization. "He has no one like her."

    "Which is why she left." I agreed.

    "Why does he need witnesses?" Henry asked.

    "To spread the word that justice has been served." Alistair walked forward. "After he slaughters and entire coven."

Amun and his wife got up to leave. Afraid for their family.

    "Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving." Amun looked down at the other two vampires.

    "And where will you go?" Emmett asked with a angry expression. "What makes you think they'll be satisfied with just Alice? (Y/n) has a new rare gift, it could very well be her. What's to stop them from going after Benjamin? Or Zafrina or Kate? Anyone else with a gift that they don't yet have. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will." Emmett stood to his feet. "For the sake of my family." He gestured to me as I stroked Emalie's sleeping head. And to the rest of the Cullen's. "But also for yours. And for the way you want to live."

Jacob took a breath and stood up carefully moving Emalie's feet from his lap.

    "The packs will fight.We've never been afraid of vampires." He nodded and Emmett nodded back.

Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon