The Birthday Gift

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Emmett and I spent the rest of the day with our daughter. Just the three of us. It was the most wonderful thing I could have ever asked for. Jacob came back after a while and he fell asleep on the couch, never a step to far from Emalie. I thought I'd be annoyed by it, but actually, it was really sweet. It was everything I could have asked for. I was so worried before about what I thought I was going to lose as a human, only to have gained so much more as a vampire. A loving husband, a miracle daughter, and my best friend, all together.

The family went on some sort of walk through the woods and Emalie fell asleep in my arms. I cradled her, and gently ran my hand along her forehead and through her black locks of hair. We were standing by one of the windows when we noticed everyone come back.

    "My turn." Rosalie rubbed her hands together and reached for Emalie. I gratefully handed her to Rose, and watched with a happy smile seeing how much my sister in law adored my daughter.

    "Where has she been sleeping?" I asked realizing we didn't ever have the ability to get her a crib or anything.

    "In my arms, or Bella's, Edward's or Emmett's." She chuckled. I smiled thinking about how many people adored her.

    "Happy birthday." Alice skipped into the room over to me with Bella just behind her.

    "Uh," I chuckled. "I officially stopped aging three days ago." I raised an eyebrow at her.

    "Well, we are celebrating anyway. So, suck it up." Bella said.

    "You? Celebrating our birthday?" I scoffed in surprise.

    "Yep. But this is a surprise for you. So, it doesn't effect me." Bella wiggled her eyebrows and grabbed my hand. Alice held out her hand and gave me a key and I looked at it confused.

Alice walked with me, Bella, and Emmett into the woods.

    "Where are we going?" I asked.

    "You'll see." Alice giggled. We walked a bit further and followed a little path of lit lanterns that led to a small cottage looking building which took my breath away. "Welcome home!"

    "We thought you guys might like a place of your own. For just you, Emmett and Emalie." Bella said with a soft smile.

    "What do you think?" Emmett asked pulling me to him by my waist.

    "I think it's perfect." I leaned up and kissed him quickly before pulling away, excited to see the inside.

Emmett and I walked up to the door, unlocking it and walking inside. It was a beautiful site to be seen. Walking into a large living room area, with a fireplace that was lit, bookshelves filled with books, the decor was amazing. I was quick to spot a house design, a blueprint, that had Emmett's signature on the bottom with a date next to it, that hung above the fireplace.

    "You..." I said in shock.

    "Yep. I started planning this place, shortly after I met you." He grabbed my hands in his and looked into my eyes. "I knew from the moment I met you, (Y/n) that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. We had no idea how it would turn out then. Certainly never expected having a daughter. So, after we got married Carlisle had started this build for us, but then everything happened with Emalie, so we adjusted it a bit. Come on." Emmett pulled my hand's and walked me past the bathroom area and into a nursery.

I put my hands over my mouth and walked around the room. It was painted white, with a cute little round crib in the center, a rocking chair, and a toy chest.

    "This is Emalie's room. Do you like it?" Emmett asked.

    "Oh, honey. I love it." I walked back to him and kissed his face again. "It's perfect."

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