Gathering Witness's

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That night, Emmett and I, took Emalie home and we spent as much time with her as possible till she was ready for sleep, putting her to bed. We spent all night discussing the plans that would begin the very next morning and what was to come. Both of our fears and how we were in this absolutely together until the very end, always. We discussed Emalie's future and how we should handle these visits with the utmost care. We couldn't put her in anymore of harm's way then she already was.

We got ready to go the next day. Jacob, Emalie, myself and Emmett were to travel together. As we got ready Jacob noticed Sam outside in the forest. We all walked out to him.

    "Alice asked me to give you that. She and Jasper crossed our lands to the ocean last night." Sam said giving the note to Carlisle.

    "Carlisle?" Esme looked at her husband with a worried expression.

    "They left us." Carlisle said quietly.

    "Why?" Rosalie wondered.

    "She didn't say." He looked sadly down at the note in his hands.

    "Can I see that?" I stepped forward and held out my hand. Carlisle handed me the note.

    "Gather as many witness's as you can before the snow sticks to the ground. That's when they'll come." I flipped the paper over and noticed it was written on a torn out book page, from a Shakespeare book in my home.

Alice's instructions were clear. But the question remained. Why would she and Jasper leave at the moment we needed them the most? A month's time was all we had to get our affairs in order. What did they know? Our search for witnesses began with a trip north to our closest relatives. We climbed into the Jeep and drove off. When we pulled into their driveway hours later they all sped outside to greet us curiously.

    "Stay here." Emmett said and he climbed out of the car first.

    "Emmett? Is everything alright?" Tanya asked him. "Why didn't you tell us you were coming?"

    "Is it Irina?" Carmen asked. Emmett continued walking towards them. "Have you heard from her?"

    "Not directly." Emmett grunted. Noticeably upset at the mention of the woman who'd sentenced our entire family to death.

    "Why is your bride waiting in the car?" Eleazar noticed.

    "And why have you brought a wolf with you? I can smell him from here." Kate noted with a scrunched look.

    "My family is in danger and I need your help." He explained.

    "What's happened?" Carmen gasped.

    "It's hard to explain... But I need you to be open minded. Can you do that?" Emmett begged.

    "Of course." Tanya stepped forward. Emmett turned and looked at me. I turned back and looked at my daughter in the back seat.

    "Okay. Time to meet some new people." I smiled softly at her.

    "What if they don't like me?" Emalie asked scrunching up her little nose.

    "They'll love you." Jacob smiled at her.

    "He's right. They will, baby. Once they understand you."

    "They just haven't met anyone like you before." Jake explained. I looked back at him grateful to have him here.

Jacob and I climbed out of the car. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. Emalie climbed out of her car seat and crossed the car to Jacob's door way and climbed out. We closed the doors and each took one of her hands. She hid behind me slightly as we walked. The Denali family jumped back in surprise and gasped. We immediately stopped walking.

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