The Accident

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English went by fast and soon enough it was time for science. Bella paused in front of me as we were about to enter the class, seeing Edward at their lab table.

    "You can do this." I whispered and gave her a light shove forward.

Bella's POV
My sister pushed me forward gently, urging me on. I got a grip on my confidence and walked towards the table. I quickly decided that I'll just ignore him like he did to me our first day.

    "Hello." A sweet sounding voice rang out from next to me. I turned my head to look and make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Nope he's looking at me definitely speaking to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last time. I'm Edward Cullen. You're Bella?"

    "Uhm... Yes." I nod once at him.

    "Onion root tip cells. That's what's on your slides right now. Okay? So, separate and label them into the phases of mitosis, and the first partners that get it right are going to win the Golden Onion." Mr. Molina explained to us what to do during class time today.

    "Ladies first." Edward says and pushed the microscope over towards me. I glanced back at my sister and our eyes meet. She smiles and waves a bit and I wave back at her. I can do this. I take a deep breath and move my face towards the scope. I can't do this.

    "You were gone." I bluntly ask him. Though it comes out more as a statement.

    "Yeah. I went out of town. Personal reasons." He spoke so softly to me.

I looked back into the scope and see the mitosis phase.

    "Prophase." I said pushing it over to him.

    "Do you mind if I?" He gestured to the microscope. I nearly scoffed. I gestured that it was okay. He took a look for about a half a second and agreed with me. "It's prophase."

    "Like I said." I stated.

    "So, are you enjoying the rain?" He asked after a few seconds of silence. This time I can't help myself, I scoffed out loud. "What?" Edward gave me a gorgeous curious smile.

    "You're asking me about the weather?" I said, and I can't help but smile back. There's just something so intriguing about him. Edward gave me a confused look, thinking about the question.

    "Yeah, I guess I am."

I think about my answer for a minute before answering.

    "Well, I don't really like the rain... Any cold, wet thing, I don't really..." I tried to explain, but Edward let out a small laugh. What could possibly be so funny about what I said. "What?"

    "Nothing." He laughed a little more and changed out the slide, looking through the scope. "It's, uh, Anaphase."

    "You mind if I check?" I sass in a similar way he did to me.


    "Anaphase." I say plainly.

    "Like I said." He repeats like I did. Hmm, maybe he's not so bad after all. He bites his bottom lip and turns his attention back to me. "If you hate the cold and rain so much, why'd you move to the wettest place in the continental U.S?"

    "Uhm, it's complicated." I offered as an answer.

    "I'm sure I can keep up." He smiled brightly at me. I can't believe this. Am I really going to just pour everything out to him. Specially after how he treated me?

    "Uhm, well. Our mom remarried..."

    "So, you don't like the guy, or..."

    "No, no. That's not...Phil's really nice. My sister and I really like him." I can't help but notice his eyes are a beautiful golden shade. I could have sworn last time his eyes were pitch black...

    "It's metaphase. You want to check it?" He smirked.

    "I believe you." I shook my head.

The bell rang and Edward and I walked out together. He's so... enchanting. There's just something about him.

    "Why didn't you and your sister move with your Mother and Phil?" Edward asked suddenly breaking the silence between us.

    "Well... Phil's a minor league baseball player, and uh, he travels a lot, my mom stayed home with me and (Y/n). We knew it made her unhappy, so we figured that we could stay with our dad for a while..."

    "And, now you're unhappy?" He asked.


    "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure you out. You're very difficult for me to read."

    "Hey, did you get contacts?" I questioned him quickly as we arrived at my locker.

    "No." He answered quickly.

    "Your eyes were black the last time I saw you, and now... they're like a golden brown." I said getting closer to his face, inspecting his eyes.

    "Yeah, I know. It's the uh, fluorescents. Uhm..." He shook his head and then just walked away.

(Y/n) POV
After class, Bella totally ditched me for Edward. I couldn't help but chuckle at how mesmerized by him she seemed. I suppose it was better to let them talk it out. After I saw him finally walk away from her, I skipped up to her.

    "How'd it go? Seems like it went well?" I laughed.

    "There's something... I don't know, off about him. And yet I can't help but find him completely interesting." She sighed.

    "I feel the same way about Emmett." I shrugged.

    "When we get home, I've got so much to tell you." She closed her locker and we made our way outside.

As we got closer to the truck, which is all the way across the parking lot. Bella put some earbuds in and offered me one. I gladly accepted it and we walked close together. I was quick to notice Edward and Emmett having a conversation next to Edward's Volvo. Which is on the other side of the parking lot.

    "Hey, you drove this morning. So you've got the keys." Bella said as we arrived at the truck.

    "Oh, right. They're in my bag." I said. We stood at the end of the truck's bed as I shuffled through my bag attempting to find the keys.

    "(Y/n), hurry up. It's freezing out here." Bella urged rubbing her arms.

    "I'm going. Calm down." I shook my head and pulled the keys out. Jingling them in her face.

Suddenly there was loud blaring horn. Bella and I turned to see what all the commotion was about. From that moment it seemed like everything started to move in slow motion. Bella's hand was put on my arm as both of our breaths hitch. A large green van speeding uncontrollably towards us, sliding on the icy ground. Then suddenly I could semi-hear everyone shouting our names. Before I can barely acknowledge it. Emmett had his arm wrapped around my waist. We stared into each other's eyes for a single moment and then in a blink he was gone.

I sat on the cold ground inbetween the two tires. Bella sitting next to me in just as much shock. People quickly swarmed us. I looked up at the vehicle that was within nose touching proximity, to see two large dents. One in front of where Bella sat and one in front of me. Yet neither of us had a scratch on us. Our truck tire and Tyler's green van's tire should have crushed me, yet here I was. I blinked in shock. Emmett just saved me... Again.

    "Dial 911!" Jess shouted, crouching down next to us. My senses started to come too.

    "I already called they are sending someone soon." Angela yelled.

I shakily stood up on my feet, feeling arms lifting me from the ground. Bella and I stared at each other and she was helped up too.

    "Bella, (y/n). I'm so sorry. I panicked." Tyler poked his head out the window of the green van that should have crushed us.

Mike suddenly held Bella, and Eric held onto me. We both were looking around in a complete daze. Shortly a ambulance came and escorted us inside it, driving us to the hospital.

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