The Volturi's Arrival/ The End

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Emmett picked me up and he ran down the mountain.

Alice stood in the clearing as the family burned all the bodies, having a vision of 4 Volturi members headed our way.

    "How long?" Edward asked as we all make it back down to the clearing.

    "A few minutes. Maybe 10?" Alice answered him.

    "The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves." Carlisle says to us all.

Leah's wolf stood near a boulder as Jacob's wolf came out from the tree line. A straggler newborn vampire appeared near her. She snarled and jumped to attack him, but the vampire nearly managed to get his arms around her.

    "Leah, don't!" Edward shouted as Leah whimpered slightly.

Jacob was closest and jumped in to help her. He grabbed the vampire by the shoulder dragging him off from her. I stood horror shocked at the scene. The wolf and vampire rolled and went tumbling with each other. Jacob doing anything and everything he could to grab a better hold on the vampire. As they came to a stop the vampire was on top and got his arms around the wolf's ribcage and squeezed.

Bones snapping, rang through the field and Jacob cried loudly in pain in his wolf form.

    "No, Jacob!" I screamed in agony attempting to run towards him. Emmett held me back as I struggled in him arms. Tears streaming down my face.

The vampire threw Jacob aside as Sam attacked tearing him apart. Jacob shifted back in pain, and rolled a round on the ground. Mouth open, wanting to scream out in pain only unable to make any noise. Emmett let go as it was now safe and I ran to him as fast as I could. Carlisle raced over checking his injuries. Emmett by my side in seconds.

    "Jacob, please. Hold on. Carlisle's gonna take care of you." I cooed through my tears.

    "The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." Carlisle announced.

    "(Y/n)." Jacob grunted out as a whisper through his pain.

    "I'm here. I'm right here." I said speaking through my tears.

The transformed wolf pack came running back towards us in their human forms surrounding Jacob.

    "Jacob, you idiot, I had it!" Leah yelled at him.

    "Leah!" Sam scolded and joined by my side on the ground looking to Carlisle.

    "I need to reset the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting."

    "We need to get him out of here. We're not gonna win a fight with the Volturi." Emmett said.

    "We'll take him back to Billy's." Sam agreed.

    "I'll be there as soon as I can." Carlisle said and Sam nodded in agreement. Jacob grunted in pain again.

    "Hang in there, Jake." I told him with a shaky voice.

I moved out of the way as the wolf pack surrounded him, to lift him up and carry him back home. Emmett came to my side and held me close to him as we watched. Jacob groaned in agony as he was moved.

    "We've got you, we've got you, we've got you." Paul assured him as they lift up and move him away.

    "They're coming!" Alice shouted and we all gathered together. I notice a smaller girl, probably no older than the age of 15 scared in the back behind us.

The four Volturi members appeared before us, revealing themselves to be Jane, Alec, Demetri, and Felix.

    "Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." Jane said with little emotion.

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