The Fight: Vision

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I looked at Alice's desperate face in pain. Emalie looked down at me worriedly. I looked up at her and nodded, quickly walking to Jacob's ear.

    "Take care of my girl." I whispered.

Jake nodded and turned making a break for the forest behind us. Emmett turned to see them running off and he looked at me confused and heartbroken at the same time. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly, glaring back at the Volturi.

    "Get them." Caius demanded.

Alice turned and kicked out her foot, into Aro's chin. Making him go flying up into the air. Every one of us, The Cullen family, our friends, the Volturi member's all glared at one another, whether it was in shock or anger. Aro landed on the ground, on his feet, skidding backward's. He seethed in anger as he looked up at Alice. The guard ran at her as she tried to get away. We all stepped forward seeing Aro get much to close to her.

    "Take her away." Aro commanded.

Jasper began fighting the guard's that held him again, desperate to get to Alice.

    "Let her go!" Carlisle screamed. He suddenly launched himself forward, shocking us all.

Member's of the guard, charged at Carlisle. He dodged each one, knocking them away from him. Carlisle jumped into the air, intercepted by Aro. Carlisle's body landed on the ground. Aro stood up with his head in his hand. Everyone of us gasped in shock, and Esme screamed out in pain. Carlisle Cullen, the man and father of our family was dead. He smirked at us as Caius lit his body on fire.

Our entire group ran forward, along with the wolves toward's the Volturi, ready to avenge him. The Volturi ran back at us, and we crashed in the middle of the field, angrily trying to take each other out. Jasper ripped the head's off two black cloaked figures, Rosalie easily taking one down as well. The wolves tearing the head's of the cloaked vampires and quickly moving on to the next ones.

Emmett and I took on two figures, close together. I grabbed mine by the throat, throwing him down the ground with such force that his face cracked. Bella looked up from fighting one to see Jane walk onto the battlefield, she was glaring at Jasper, who was taking on Demetri. She sent out her shield, protecting him. I looked over as Alec stood from the ground and charged at her. Tackling my sister to the ground.

I ran to Bella. Jane focused on Jasper, stunning him to his knees. Alice fought hard against the guard's holding her, seeing her mate in trouble. I jumped on Alec's back as Bella grabbed and began twisting his arm. I twisted and pulled his head, separating it from his body. The sound of Alice's desperate scream, caught our attention. We turned around to see Felix and Demetri snapped off Jasper's head. I looked around desperately for Emmett, catching Jane's gaze at her brother's dead body.

Alice managed to break free from the guard's. I ran toward's Emmett and Bella ran toward's Edward as they were both taking on people. As I ran I took noticed of every member of our family fighting for their lives. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to where my daughter was, praying that she was okay.

Jacob ran through the forest with Emalie on his back, pushing as fast as his legs would carry him. Emalie turned to see a guard running behind them.

Demetri and Edward went at each other. He tossed Edward away easily, only to be caught off guard by Emmett pummeling into him next.

Seth ran at Jane in his wolf form going for the attack, but she used her gift and he cried out in pain. Another vampire got their arm's around him and cracked his neck, killing him instantly. Leah's wolf sensed her brother and looked up seeing him be tossed to the ground, unmoving. She howled in pain, which was a direct link to Jacob.

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