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You stared at the documents for your work studies and rubbed your eyes. "It's too early for this..."

There was a soft knock on your door and you got up and opened it. "Ah. Midoriya. Is something the matter?"

"Yeah, a bit. It's about work studies."

You tilted your head. "Didn't you have a talk with Mirio?" He nodded sheepishly. "But... it's Nighteye! He used to work with All Might for crying out loud! How on earth am I supposed to-"

"Please don't yell." You sighed and walked over to your desk, picking up your mug of coffee.

"Uh, aren't you too young for coffee?"

"I get documents on the daily, risk my life every other day, and get piled with cases of robberies, murders, and other crimes. And you're saying that I'm too young for coffee?"

He noticed the eye bags under your eyes and shrugged. "Good point."

"My only advice to you is to hone every single one of your skills. Even if he asks for you to fight, remember to use your intellect. Even if he asks for a written test, remember to use your speed." You rubbed your eye. "And... I assume Mirio told you that you had to make him laugh. Word of advice... don't tickle him."

"Right!" He turned to leave but you cleared your throat. "Your contract? I think that's the real reason you came here, but you simply forgot."

"Oh, r-right! You're good at reading people!"

"I have no need for that skill." You handed him the signed papers. "It's simply that Kirishima, Uraraka, and Tsu had already come by, and yours is the only one still on my desk."

He laughed a bit. "Yeah... Why did the school decide to leave them to you, anyway?"

"I have my own work study forms to sign. Besides, my signature is on that contract." You pointed to your signature amongst those of the staff. "Since I'm the youngest pro hero at your school. Simply get it stamped." And with that, you shut your door.

You looked through the documents, your pen tapping at your chin as you read through the terms and conditions of different things. Then your eyes stopped on one document. One to leave UA. 

For a moment, you were about to throw it out, but then you folded it and placed it in a drawer. "10 days." You told yourself. 

After about an hour, there was another knock on your door. You contemplated on not answering and pretending you were resting until you heard a familiar voice. "Y/N? Midoriya said that you didn't look too well."

You got up and opened the door, meeting the bi-coloured eyes of Shouto. "Shouto. What brings you here?"

His thumb brushed over the eyebags under your eyes. "How much did you sleep last night?"

Suddenly, the fire-lit lantern hanging in your room burst into flames. Both you and Shouto flinched and you looked around your room for a source of water. You separated the water from the already mixed coffee grinds and threw it over the fire.

And there goes my only reason to keep going through the day.

"Are you still having some trouble controlling your quirk?" He asked, his eyes still on the charred lantern. "It seems so." You combed a hand through your hair with another sigh. "I slept a for a relative amount of time last night. I just have a lot of work to do."

He looked at the papers on your desk. "That's all for work studies?"

"No, only a few papers. The rest are cases that I decided to take before learning that I'd have to return to my old work studies."

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