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"Who minced this?!" Bakugou held up a large chunk of tomato and Kaminari was quick to hide behind the table. "Throw me a knife!"

"Throw you a kni- Y/N, wait!"

You tossed a knife across the kitchen and Bakugou cleanly caught it by the handle and began mincing the vegetables, earning oohs from those in the class.

"Okay then," Kaminari said shakily, thinking that Bakugou was going to use it on him. Kirishima patted him on the back, perhaps used to the antics that Bakugou used in the kitchen. "Nice throw, Y/N."

"Thanks." You held up your hand and Sato placed the rolling pin in your palm, then continued cutting apples for the apple pie.

Shoji was already washing dishes with Tokoyami, who was still getting used to the new way of eating without his beak and feathers - he was now generally normal looking with slicked back black hair that Mina helped with.

"I think this works," Uraraka said as she pulled back the makeup brush from Mina's face.

"What am I supposed to do with my pink foundation now?!" she exclaimed. "It took so long to find where to get it and now I can't even use it anymore!"

Since the disappearance of her pink skin, black sclera, and horns, Mina's main worry hadn't been the loss of her quirk, but rather, the makeup inconveniences.

"Good thing that kind of thing didn't happen to me," Jirou muttered, grazing her hand over her now normal ears.

"Yeah, or you'd have to buy a whole knew set of foundation." Sero chuckled.

You stopped rolling out the pie dough. Sato glanced at you. "Are you okay, Y/N?"


Guilt is like a tumour for you. It grows without you knowing until it hurts and suddenly, it's too large to remove. At that point, you wait for a miracle.

You hadn't felt guilt until you got people to make you feel guilty.

Having Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire grinning at you with no care as to why you weren't doing it in return.

Your class dragging you into everything even though they see you three days a week.

Even when you tried to pull away, avoid them so your guilt wouldn't grow to be so suffocating, they chased you like it was all a big game of tag and everyone was it but you.

But unlike with the place you were running to, when they caught you, it wasn't suffocating, but it was like you finally felt the wind for the first time.


You were startled by someone wrapped your arms around your neck and pouncing on your back. "Nearly done with the crust?" Hagakure asked.


"It looks done to me," Sato said. 

You nodded and took the dough and placed it over the unfinished apple pie, then put the pie in the oven. 

"Let's have dinner so we can eat it while it's hot!" Hagakure dragged you by the arm to the table and you sat between Mina and Yaoyorozu as everyone spoke, food being passed around the table so everyone got their share.

You stared at your plate, not touching it for a long while.

"You better eat before Bakugou shoves it down your throat." Mina put some mashed potatoes in her mouth, motioning to your plate.

"Right... yeah. Sorry."

"Leave it to Bakugou to cook like a housewife," Kirishima teased, earning a string bean in the face from the angry blond.

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