20. Beach Night (part 2)

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Y/n's pov:

When we arrive Chris' smile widens. adorable.

"let's go my love" Chris says and looks at me "yeah" we get out of the car, it's pretty windy. Chris opens the trunk, he takes out a blanket and i smile "how long has that been in there?" i ask and he looks at me "when you were doing your make-up i managed to put it in here" he says and closes the trunk, he walks over to me and locks the car.

We walk down a little road, there's no one else here.

"so how do you know this place?" i ask and he holds my one hand while walking "it's a while ago, i was a little anxious so i decided to drive around and then i drove here and i liked it, there wasn't anyone else" i smile "so this is your little secret place" he nods with a little laugh "we can call it that" i laugh a little and look down the little road.

we find a good spot, Chris sits down, i sit down next to him. He puts his arm around me with the blanket, i lean my head on his shoulder enjoying the view of the ocean and sunset.

"we became a thing fast" i say with a low voice "yeah, but i knew right away, there was something special about you" i smile "the fact that we did it the first night we met" i say and Chris a laughs a little "yeahhh... It's memorable" i smile of the thought of it.

I pull out my phone and open camera

"is it okay?" i ask and Chris nods. i take a few pictures and put away my phone. Chris looks so handsome.

"thank you for letting me be me" Chris says and i look at him "what do you mean?" he smiles a little "around you i can be myself, it's different around others, with you I'm Chris and with others i have to be Chris Evans" i smile "i don't even know how to answer that" he shakes his head "you don't have to, just let me give you a kiss" my smile widens and i give him a kiss, once we pull apart, he taps on his laps "lay down" he says and i lay my head on his lap and look up him.

He puts my hair behind my ear and plays with my hair while looking down at me with a smile. Can this last forever?

Chris' pov:

Y/n is laying on my lap while my hand is going through her hair, her eyes are closed with a little smile on her face. I really don't want this to end.

"chris" y/n says "mhmm" she opens her eyes and looks at me "I'm sorry for not being the best girlfriend lately" i shake my head "no, it's alright i understand" i say and she shakes her head "i shouldn't have been like that, over ha-" i interrupt her "seriously, it's okay, you're still mine, right?" i say and smile a little she nods "yeah" i nod "now let's talk about something else" i say and give her a quick kiss on her for head.

"what time is it?" y/n asks and i look at my watch "it's... 11 pm" she nods "you tired?" i ask her and she shakes her head "no, I'm alright" i nod slowly she closes her eyes again and I look up at the stars. I'm so grateful i can call this girl mine.

After about 30 minutes i rub y/n's arm "i think we should head home, it's getting late" i say and she opens her eyes slowly and nods "yeah" she gets up slowly and i get up with the blanket in my hand.

"thank you, for this, it got me thinking about something else" y/n says once we're back in the car "I'm glad it did" is say with a little smile.

I start the engine and drive out.

Not even 5 minutes later, y/n is asleep. I smile while looking at her, she's so beautiful, even when she's sleeping. Do i even deserve her?

Once we arrive at my place y/n wakes up by the door closing, i walk over to her door and open it "we're home" i say quietly and she gets out. We walk up to the door and i unlock it and we get inside. Dodger rushes up to us and starts to jump around "hi Bubba!" i say and bend down to greed him and that's when Mylo comes "hi Mylo!" i say and he comes to say hi "i should take them for a little walk before going to bed" i tell y/n and she looks at me "i can come if you want" she says and I shake my head "no it's alright, you can go get ready, take something to eat if you want" she nods "alright, thanks" i nod and look at the dogs "wanna go for a walk!?" i say and dodger starts to go insane again, Mylo hasn't quite yet understood what that means. I get the Leash on them and open the door "I'll be back in 10 minutes, call me if something happens" she nods and i walk out the door and close it afterwards.

FALLING ON SET {CHRIS EVANS X Y/N}Where stories live. Discover now