29. do i derseve this?

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It's pretty early in the morning. Chris has already gone to film the scene on set or something like that. I'm in the kitchen but not really that hungry for anything, idk why though, I usually eat more in the morning than I do later on the day. I suddenly hear small footsteps from the guest room, it must be Mylo, Chris took Dodger with him.

"Hi, my boy" I say and bend down when I see Mylo entering the room. "daddy is not here and neither is your brother it's just me." I whisper and pick him up "you hungry or did Chris give you something before he left?" Mylo tilts his head "okay. We go for a walk and when we come back, I'll give you something if you're hungry; how does that sound?" his tail starts wagging making me a giggle "let's go then!" I say and put him down. I walk to the hallway while Mylo is following me. I take his leash and he starts to go crazy "calm down handsome" I say and slowly try to put it on him. I succeed after a minute or two.

"Now give me a chance to take my shoe and jacket on"

After getting everything on I unlock the door and get outside with Mylo. I can't take the longest walk with Mylo since he still ain't that grown up yet. Halfway through the walk I decide to call Sebastian, I know he's done with his scenes on set.

"hi" I hear him say

"Hi Seb, it's me"

"i know, what's up?"

"wanna come over anytime today? Chris is filming some extra scene and it's honestly really boring to be home alone in a huge home" I hear him laugh a little

"sure if it's okay for Chris" I sigh and nod

"yeah I'll call him and if yes, I'll call you again, deal?"


"good okay"

"okay" he says, and I hang up fast to give Chris a call.

"hi sweetheart"

"hi Chris"

"something wrong?" I smile and shake my head

"no silly I just wanted to ask if it's okay Sebastian comes over while you're gone, since Idk what to do in this huge house of yours" I hear him clear his throat. Such a jealous boy.

"yeaaah, what are you guys gonna do?"

"Chris. Seb and I are friends, nothing else"

"yeah. Ik."

"babe, we can do something together when you get back"

"Right. have fun okay and call me if anything happens"

"i will. I love you"

"i love you more" I smile and slowly hang up.


We get back home, Seb is coming in about an hour, so I make our bed. I clean up a little in the living room too.

After cleaning I give Mylo some food and water. I then hear the door click open

"hellooooo anybody home!" I hear Seb yell from the hallway, I run to the hallway, he starts to smile "well hello" he says and drops his bags and takes off his jacket and shoes. "i brought you guys some gifts" he says on the way to the living room "Seeeeb" he smiles "c'mon I have something for you and your man and you both, but you can open them when he comes" I smile "alright thanks" he nods and sits down on the couch

"So, how's the belly going, been to a doctor yet?" I shake my head "not yet but I'm going this week" he nods and taps on the couch "sit down" he says, and I nod "right yeah" I sit down, and he looks confused at me "y/n you okay?" I nod quickly "yes, yes" he shakes his head "did something happen?" I shake my head "hey, talk to me, I'm your friend. Is something going on with you and Chris?" I sit up straight "do you think Chris wants to live like this, I don't want to ruin his career" he shakes his head "no, are you crazy, this is all Chris wants, I bet he would give up everything to be with you" he gives me a little smile "that guy loves you, trust me, you're all he talks about, and he hasn't shut about you since he saw that photo of you. You're the best thing that has happened to him in a loooooonnng time" I nod slowly "I'm sorry. Wanna play a board game or something?"

FALLING ON SET {CHRIS EVANS X Y/N}Where stories live. Discover now