7: There's A First For Everything Pt. 2

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"To welcome our new student I've set up a fun activity." The number one hero explained, "We'll be splitting into teams and taking down some of the robots from the entrance exam. 10 per group. The focus will be on teamwork and getting to know each other's fighting styles.".

There were several murmurs from the class. Sanyu wondered if this 'fun activity' was a test. To see if he was actually capable enough.

He was up to the challenge. Anything that got close to his old job was good. Robots meant no one got hurt, so he didn't even have anything weighing on his conscience.

"First team will be Yaoyorozu, Mineta, Midoriya, Hagakure and, of course, Oyama." All Might announced. Sanyu looked around at the people who stepped forwards. Grape man, the invisible girl, some sort of stripper and bunny boy.


"What are your power-quirks?" Sanyu asked. Quirks not powers. That was an adjustment.

"Mine's Creation." The scantily clad girl said, pulling a russian nesting doll out of her arm. Suddenly her outfit made much more sense.

"I think you can guess what mine is." The invisible girl, Hagakure, said. Sanyu nodded. He looked at the short purple person next.

"Pop Off." He said simply, pulling one of the balls that Sanyu had thought were hair off of his head and demonstrating its adhesive powers.

That was disturbing but useful. No one in his world had powers quite like these. Well, getting powers always changed your body, but not in a way that turns you invisible or gives you...rubber balls for hair? He wasn't sure about that one.

"Mine's Superpower." Midoriya said. Sanyu looked him up and down.

"That's vague." He commented, his tone and expression neutral. Midoriya flustered. "I'm fast and strong. Pretty durable as well." He explained, clenching his fist. Sanyu watched as some green sparks flew off.

"Like him." The hero commented, gesturing to All Might. Sanyu had observed some blue lightning when he hit the ground. Just a bit around his legs though. Midoriya's expression changed for a second but his mask covered his face too much for the boy to read it properly.

"What does Star Burst do?" Midoriya asked instead. The other looked at him with expectant smiles. Well, he didn't actually know how the invisible girl looked but it felt like a smile.

"This." Sanyu said simply, levitating off the ground and shooting a quick beam into the ground. It made a small crater and his new classmates gawked.

"That's so cool!" Midoriya said, "How does it work? What are the drawbacks? How long did it take you to learn how to fly? How did you come up with that way of flying in the first place?!?".

Sanyu was a little bewildered by the questioning but kept his face stiff. "I practiced." He answered.

It was becoming increasingly hard to keep to the scripting. He had pre programmed phrases, ways of responding to things. But high school was so unpredictable that it was hard to stick to them.

The conversation naturally tapered off after that and everyone made their way into the concrete arena. Sanyu wondered how they had the budget for this sort of stuff.

It was set up almost like a massive paintball field. Like a war game. Sanyu had never participated in something like this, Jackson did though. He had said it was fun a couple times.

"Alright!" All Might said, his voice now coming over a loudspeaker. "Remember to practice your technical skills, keep your teammates and where they are in mind all the time." He reminded them, "And this is especially necessary for this exercise.".

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