42: The Start Of Something New

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School resumed as per normal. It felt strange, after such a fight, to just go back to school. But it also felt good. Reassuring. Life would always be there at the end of the fight. It was a promise he could get used to.

"There are many challenges ahead of you." Mr. Aizawa said blankly, "But you must overcome them.".

It was almost a motivational speech. Emphasis on the 'almost'. Because the teacher added. "Your next goal is to plan what you're going to do for the cultural festival.".

The class immediately erupted with questions but Aizawa just zipped himself in his sleeping bag. Iida took his cue to head to the front of the class with Yaoyorozu following behind.

"I will be taking it from here!" He announced, "As class 1-A's representative, I will do my best to make sure everything runs smoothly. Now, if anyone has any suggestions, please raise your hand!". He raised his own as if to demonstrate. So much energy, Sanyu noted.

A cultural festival...Sanyu was pretty sure his school had one of those when he was a kid. Every year. It was pretty good actually. They usually happened around late October, early November so he got to hang out with his friends on his birthday. His parents never came to see what his class did, but they were busy.



Had he forgotten?

The onslaught of raised hands and shouting was drowned out by Sanyu's sudden existential crisis. He was turning 16. He'd been in this world since spring. The thought shook him so much he was sure Bunny would have him on the ground if she was here.

"Kaminari first!" Iida said, snapping Sanyu out of his chaotic train of thought.

"Let's do a maid café!" The electric teen said excitedly. "Imagine all the girls in cute frilly skirts!".

"Kaminari you're being too tame!" Mineta called out, salivating, "Lets do a boo-".

Before he could even finish his sentence Asui and Sanyu had him tied up and gagged in the back of the classroom. "You're quick." The frog girl commented. "So are you." He replied. There was a mutual understanding there.

"Let's do a mochi shop!" Uraraka suggested. "I see, something traditionally japanese." Iida complimented.

"An arm wrestling tournament!" "Very intense, Kirishima!"

"A fun house!" Hagakure called out. "I'm not sure what that is but it sounds good." Iida said, writing it down on the board.

"A crepe shop!" "Sato, what a convenient suggestion!" "A dance!" "Sounds dazzling Ashido!" "A hero quiz!" "That's so like you Midoriya!"

"Let's sing the frog song." Asui suggested. "Charming!" Iida said, still furiously writing on the board.

"Um...how about a petting zoo?" Koda suggested meekly. "How adorable!" Iida called out passionately.

"I second the petting zoo." Sanyu mumbled, drawing some attention from nearby students.

"A petting zoo? What are we gonna use, sparkle head's psycho russian attack dog?!" Bakugou asked incredulously. Kirishima dragged him to the back of the class kicking and screaming.

"Handmade soba?" Todoroki suggested. "A death match!" Bakugou shouted from the back.

"A feast of the students of darkness." Tokoyami suggested. "That's not even a thing!" Ashido said with a laugh.

More and more suggestions were thrown out until everything was laid out on the board. "I'll be eliminating the ones that are impractical or inappropriate." Yaoyorozu said, erasing several students' suggestions.

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