47: Army Of Darkness

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This is an edit but I just realized after I posted this how hilarious it is that I have a chapter titled 'Surprise!' followed by 'Army Of Darkness'. 

Like Imagine just looking at the chapters and seeing that I'm wheezing 💀


Tao and Sanyu watched the Japanese Hero Ranking ceremony live from box seats. Advantages of being Keigo's family, they supposed.

The hero commission was really eager to keep them a secret. Sure, the ice cream shop owner at the corner could know that Hawks had gone from being a single man alone in a penthouse to housing his nephew and a new man that everyone was sure he was dating, but the world couldn't.

They watched with curiosity as the heroes gave their acceptance speeches. Tao looked at the expression on Keigo's face and smiled.

"He's gonna say something controversial again, isn't he?" Tao said. Sanyu smiled knowingly.

"Who'd be happy hearing that? Stain?" Keigo said, stealing the microphone from the presenter. Tao and Sanyu made eye contact. What could you do? He was always like that.

The sort of man to encourage Sanyu to punch people who started stuff with him was also the sort of man to emphasize how people liked him more than the newly announced number one.

Endeavor begrudgingly took the microphone. "This youngster has already fanned the flames quite enough, so I'll keep this brief." The man said, "Just watch me.".

The room fell silent except for Keigo's very obviously sarcastic clapping. Honestly Sanyu couldn't tell if he actually liked Endeavor or if this was an incredibly long running but that was funny to Keigo and Keigo only.

Sanyu would put his money on the latter.

After the event finished up, Sanyu and Tao prepared to find Keigo. Maybe they could get dinner while they were away from Musutafu for a little while. But Sanyu got a text saying Keigo was taking Endeavor to dinner to discuss a possible 'team up'.

"Guess they'll be talking business." Tao said, making a disgusted face. He had been to millions of dinners like those and they were so awful no matter how good the food was.

"At least you got to go out to restaurants." Sanyu said, "I was probably freezing to death in Siberia.".

"Every person has their own hell." Tao replied. Sanyu wanted to ask when he got so wise, but he knew this wasn't the moment to keep joking. What they had gone through, there was a lot to joke about. A lot of embarrassing moments. But regardless of if it was Tao in a meeting room or Sanyu on a battlefield they had been playing with people's lives.

"Why don't we get some dinner ourselves?" The older asked, "I'll get the name of the place Keigo's going and we'll meet him there when he's done. I think they'll be talking for a while.". Sanyu nodded and the two made their way to the staircase.

-------- --------- --------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------

They had just left the nice Italian place they had gone to when something hit one of the nearby skyscrapers.

The entire street looked at it, smoke rising from the impacted area.

"That's where Keigo is, isn't it?" Sanyu asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yep." Tao said with a nod. The pair made eye contact before deciding, without words, what to do. "Those people need to be evacuated now." Tao continued.

"You'll be good at that. Your powers will tell you where they all are once you touch one." Sanyu said. They quickened their pace towards the tower.

"What's your plan?" Tao asked.

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