35: Logic Is Often Faulty

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"Oyama!" Mirio said, smiling widely. "I'm glad you decided to take me up on the offer! Sir's just dying to meet you.".

Sanyu had never been inside a hero agency before. He had sat in the car while Keigo got paperwork from it, but he had never really been inside one before.

Sir Nighteye's agency just looked like a big empty office space. Not particularly attractive, nor decked out in hero paraphernalia or gear. It was strange, but in a good way. Far less intimidating than he had anticipated.

"Don't put words in my mouth, Togata." A man said. He was wearing a white suit with a matching white shirt and a bright red tie with white polka dots. Interesting choice, but he had seen heroes wear stranger clothes. He looked over at Sanyu, sizing him up.

His gaze was discerning and harsh. He had to be at least Jackson's height, somewhere around 6'5 and although Sanyu had grown a lot in the past few months he wasn't that tall. Probably never would be, if he was being honest.

He assumed the man was used to more of a reaction from the way his posture stiffened in the quick moment all that awkwardness had happened in. Sanyu wasn't one for expressing his emotions around strangers.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir." He said, bowing slightly. He was still more used to handshakes if he was being honest.

Nighteye just kept staring at him and didn't say a word for a moment.

"Sir, this is Oyama Sanyu, the junior of mine I was telling you about. He's a transfer student! Isn't that awesome? We've never had one of those before!" Mirio said excitedly. Nighteye just narrowed his gaze.

"Follow me." He instructed, walking towards his office. Sanyu followed. Mirio gave him a smile and two thumbs up before the door was shut behind the boy.

"I know more about you than you think, Oyama." The man said, leaning against his desk. Sanyu just stared, waiting for him to elaborate. Behind him was a myriad of All Might merch. Almost more than Midoriya. "I know you have no school records prior to this year, I know your uncle is Hawks and I know you were the one to help All Might in his fight against All For One.".

"I just moved back to Japan after spending a long time living in the United States." Sanyu explained, "It makes sense there are no school records you can access for me.".

"And the other two? You don't have an explanation for those?" Nighteye pressed. Sanyu shrugged.

"He's my uncle. And I helped out with the attack on Kamino, although the information was classified, so I don't know how you saw that sir." He said, his voice a little frostier than intended.

"I'm smarter than most people, Oyama. I figured it out on my own." He explained. "I was also given a hint, a push in the right direction.".

"From who?".

"All Might." The pro hero answered. "He hadn't called me in ages, but when he did your name came up. He called you Sanyu though. Are you two close?".

Was Nighteye...jealous? Sanyu wasn't the best at reading social cues, but this seemed like Nighteye was just jealous.

"We share many similar experiences." The boy answered vaguely. Nighteye looked at him again, same as before, like he was trying to analyze every bit of him.

"He said you knew about One For All, about the succession. Did he tell you?".

"Yes sir.".

"And what do you think of it?". When it was obvious Sanyu hadn't understood the question the pro hero elaborated. "His decision; Midoriya Izuku. I thought he was an unsuitable candidate. Even went so far as to find him one myself.".

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