9: What I Didn't Tell You

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"So, how do you feel about your first week of school?" Keigo asked excitedly. The pair were sitting at the table, eating celebratory takeout for making it to Friday. Sanyu looked up at his fake uncle.

"It was good." He said simply. Keigo looked at him expectantly and Sanyu realized he wanted more of a response than that.

"I haven't been around teenagers for a while." He added, "I don't know how to act, but they seem kind.". Sanyu left out the part where he was sure Bakugou and Todoroki had some sort of grudge against him. He didn't even know why yet, there was no point in bringing it up or even thinking about it.

"They're good kids, from what I know." Keigo said. "How was your first meeting with Hound Dog? You have to be honest with me, if he's not the right fit we can find someone else.". The hero knew Hound Dog was the best person for the job, but this was about giving Sanyu options. Agency over his own life for the first time in years.

"He seems like a good therapist." The boy responded neutrally. "Inue placed high value on emotions-how I feel and how certain experiences made me feel.". Keigo smiled. Emotions were a good place to start with Sanyu. The kid was a rock most of the time and when he wasn't he just looked so broken.

Sanyu thought back to that afternoon.

"Why don't I go first? It'll make it less scary." The man had said, "My happiest recent memory was when a bird landed on my shoulder in the park last weekend. I have some photos of it-here.". Inue had proceeded to show Sanyu the photos. It was a tiny brown sparrow looking bird.

"Now you go.".

Sanyu remembered tensing up. It took him nearly 10 minutes to sort back through his memory to find one to share. He would remember something, then realize it happened years ago. The past year hadn't been very good.

Then, he settled on something. "I was in D.C." He had begun, "After I was no longer needed there the leader of the Six, Jackson,". Sanyu waited to see if Inue recognized the name. He nodded, indicating he did. Well, he had read the files so it made sense. "asked me if I wanted to take some time off. I accepted and spent the week at his apartment in Queens, New York.".

"And what was your favorite part of that?" Inue had asked, "I'm sure you must have seen all the tourist attractions.". Sanyu shook his head.

"I had to keep a low profile." He had explained. "My favorite part-" The scripting slipped for a second, just a second, "we went out for snacks at 3 am. The city was beautiful at night.".

Inue had smiled, like he knew he had led Sanyu into using his own words.

"It's fine the way it is, sir." Sanyu said, snapping back to reality. It was probably dangerous to be around Inue. He was trying to get into Sanyu, to really understand him. The teen didn't like that but he also couldn't bring himself to ask for someone less competent at their job.

"What did I say about the 'sir' thing?" Keigo said with a smile, "I'm your uncle now, we're family. You don't have to be so formal, just say what you want to. Call me what you want to.". Sanyu nodded.

"Sorry." He muttered. Keigo's expression softened. "Don't apologize, its just an adjustment." The hero said. Sanyu nodded again.

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That night Sanyu stared at his bed like it was challenging him. Like it was a threat.

He had already gotten ready to go to bed. Brushed his teeth, washed his face with the soap Keigo told him to use, changed into pajamas, the whole shebang.

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