22: Symbol Of Peace Pt. 2

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All Might stared at All For One with nothing but determination.

He could feel himself grow weaker by the second. He really couldn't keep going the way he was. That big blast-it had taken a lot out of him.

"You're weaker than last we met." All For One teased. "Did you become lax in your old age? On your way to retirement?".

"Not with you around." The hero shot back, holding himself with all the pride and strength of someone in half the pain he was in.

The two clashed once more, with All For One once again knocking All Might, and several buildings, back.

"Spring limbs and Air Canon are a lovely quirk combination, aren't they?" The villain drawled, walking over to where All Might staggered to his feet.

"Give those people their quirks back." All Might shot back. "You cause so much pain for the people around you. Stop to think about how they feel for one second!" He punctuated the statement by punching the villain, landing a hit this time.

But when the dust cleared All For One was only barely injured. "I've thought about it." The villain said, "But I've decided my ends justify my means. Some people must suffer to create equality.".

"No one should have to suffer." The hero maintained. All For One scoffed.

"An eternal optimist." He mused, "But also a fool.".

Their conversation was put to the sidelines when the battle going on around them shifted. Several U.A students were flying into the area, aimed right for Bakugou, who only waited a second before blasting off to meet them.

All For One raised an arm to aim for the students, prepared to kill them all with one flick of the wrist. All Might Detroit smashed the man as hard as he could before he attacked, but got injured by the misfired blast.

"You forced us into the darkness. Your very existence made those who I once saw powerful cower in fear." All For One ranted, "You're the symbol of peace, and like this haphazard peace we've created, you must be destroyed.".

They fought for several minutes. Each blow meant to kill was met with one meant to disarm, to lead away from the city. But All For One knew his opponent well. He did everything he could to endanger civilians, to kill. All while All Might tried to save everyone he could at the cost of his own body.

"Evacuate." All For One commanded.

Tomura, who had been wrapped up in his own battle, faltered. "But teacher," He protested, "our work here isn't finished. If we retreat now we'll have to-".

"It matters not." The villain said, "You must leave now. Don't worry, you can prove yourself to me next time.". He turned to Kurogiri and activated one of his many quirks, forcing the nomu to use his own.

The league disappeared into clouds of black smoke and All Might landed another hit on his arch-nemesis while he was distracted.

All For One laughed, honestly laughed. The man raised his arms, preparing another large blast. All Might gritted his teeth and tried to concentrate his power into his arm. If he could get enough air to counteract the air cannon, he might be able to save the nearby buildings-and his ribs-from destruction.

The blast came, All Might swung and...All For One was knocked back? He looked at his hand. It was impossible for that to have been him. He hadn't put nearly that much strength into the punch.

But the question he hadn't even asked was quickly answered when a glint of white light in the sky appeared out of nowhere.

Like a star crashing to earth the light descended. When it collided with the ground, everyone was knocked back and glass shattered at least three blocks away.

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