44: Festive Charm Pt. 1

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Remember those hitches Sanyu explicitly wished didn't occur?

They were occurring.

He arrived at U.A pretty early that morning. He even considered sleeping over in the dorm room that was supposed to be his but in the end he decided it'd be better to wind down at home with Captain and Bunny so he didn't panic or freeze up on stage.

Speaking of them, Captain was still back home with his uncles, who were coming later. Bunny, well she was out on loan today. After they ran into Monoma and saw Eri's pretty violent flinch and how the panic lingered around her for a little while after they decided it would be better if they had another pair of eyes looking out for her.

Perhaps a dog who was training to help someone with PTSD?

So Bunny had been dropped off at the hospital with Mirio and Eri and would be arriving when they did.

But back to the hitches.

The first had been much earlier, when he was getting ready. Those clown outfits they were supposed to wear...just no. Most of the class had point blank refused to wear them. Instead they had made more of the orange t-shirts with U.A's logo on them and decided to just let everyone style them however they wanted. Mina had insisted they at least try to watch and had mandated some form of blue denim.

So Sanyu had just put the shirt on with a pair of jeans and called it a day.

He must have forgotten he lived with Tao, who's best form of rebellion from his position as a political tool had been dying his hair more often than a middle aged woman who refused to acknowledge she was going grey and Keigo, who wore eyeliner daily on top of the natural markings from his quirk.

They had made him tuck his t-shirt in, put on a black belt so it cinched at his waist and put some dark eyeliner on him to top it off.

Sanyu had initially panicked when he saw himself. What if someone said something? What if they harassed him? He wasn't out to his class! Now, his uncle insisted it was perfectly normal and accepted here, but Sanyu was still worried.

So Keigo had calmed him down and told him that if he could take a bullet he could take a weird look. Sanyu wasn't sure he could but he didn't rub it off before coming to school, so that was progress.

Hitch number 2, if hitch was even a word, was that Midoriya was nowhere to be seen with now only 15 minutes to showtime.

And hitch number 3 was occurring right this minute.

"I can't do this." Jiro said, groaning into Yaoyorozu's side. "How did I let you guys talk me into this?".

"You'll be fine Jiro." Uraraka assured her, "You've got an excellent voice! Everyone's gonna love your performance.".

"I can't even sing a note!" The girl shot back, her voice tearful. "My voice is so shaky. Its gonna sound awful.".

"Don't worry." Iida said simply, "Success is guaranteed for us after all that practice!".

It went on like that for several minutes, until they only had 10 left. Everyone just kept telling Jiro there was no way they could fail and she just got closer and closer to crying.

Finally, Sanyu decided to step in.

"Would you feel better if I went first?".

Okay, not his finest moment. Emotional maturity was hard. But this was just like that thing with Eri. If she saw someone else do it first she wouldn't feel so scared.

Jiro looked up at him with puffy eyes. Her eyeliner was running a bit and Sanyu wished he had Keigo's abilities with makeup so he could fix it for her. She probably spent a long time on it. "You'd do what first?" She asked slowly, her voice still shaky and wet with oncoming tears.

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