41: The Meaning Of The Word

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"Good morning sleeping beauty.".

Sanyu blinked the sleep out of his eyes and looked around. He felt...normal. Nothing hurt the way it normally did after he was shot.

"How long was I out for?" He asked instinctively.

"The rest of the day. It's 6 pm now. But no drugs, just Recovery Girl's powers." Tao informed him. Sanyu looked around his hospital room. The sun was still up, but it was closer to being down than normal. He supposed that fall was creeping up on them now.

"What the fuck were you thinking out there?" The man asked, taking a seat beside Sanyu's bed.

"It was a quirk erasing bullet." He informed his fellow former hero. "If Mirio had taken it his quirk would be gone. Permanently. I don't have a quirk, so it didn't affect me at all.".

"Didn't affect you...you had a bullet wound!" Tao said incredulously. Sanyu waved him off.

"You've seen worse on me before." He commented. He hadn't thought much of it, but Tao's suddenly sad expression made him stop.

"I never liked seeing you like this." Tao reminisced, gesturing to the hospital bed, the IV drip and everything else. "You were always the baby of the group. I never liked seeing you hurt. Especially after those two code purples...".

"Number 5 and number 8." Sanyu surmised. Tao nodded.

"Have you considered being something else? Other than a hero?" The man asked, "Like a baker. You'd be a good baker.".

Sanyu smiled slightly. "I'd be an awful baker." He said simply.

"You'd be good at anything you tried." Tao responded softly.

"You know me." Sanyu said, realizing that he could say that now. Tao knew him. Hell, Sanyu finally felt like he knew himself. "I've never been one to run from a fight.".

Suddenly the door opened and Keigo stood there, a cute patterned paper bag in hand. He looked flustered.

"Sanyu...what did you tell your teachers about Tao and I?" He asked slowly.

"Nothing? Tao's still a secret, isn't he?" The boy said, confused. Keigo sighed and pulled up another chair.

Without even asking Tao tapped Keigo lightly and disappeared, reappearing almost instantly with a puff of teal smoke. He gasped loudly.

"Everyone thinks we're dating!" He announced. If Sanyu had been drinking something he would have choked on it. "Damn. Aizawa commented on it. Apparently Ectoplasm thought we were together when I introduced myself as Sanyu's uncle that one time. How do we explain that I'm his uncle on the uh-other side?".

"Other side?" Keigo asked, amused. "The other side of the portal, dummy." Tao said, rolling his eyes. Sanyu laughed a bit and Keigo placed the bag on the edge of the hospital bed.

"I got us dinner." He said with a smile. "You're not gonna be discharged until tomorrow morning and this is a million times better than hospital food.".

"Are Bunny and Captain okay?" Sanyu asked. Tao smiled.

"Miruko came over to check on them, feed them and take them out for a bit. Although the fact you insist on walking Captain too is still weird." Keigo said with a smile.

"He needs his exercise." Sanyu said simply, "And he likes eating the weeds in the little green patch behind the building.".

"It is healthier for him to get outside." Tao said with a nod.

"Oh, after we eat there's somewhere I need to go." Sanyu said, "More like someone I need to talk to.".

The pair gave him a curious look, but didn't ask.

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