57: Make Yourself Known

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Sanyu opened his eyes and saw Mirio's face on the other side of the pillow.

At first he was a bit startled, then the events of the night before came back to him. He had basically thrown himself at Mirio and cried himself to sleep in the older's dorm room.

Wow. Not embarrassing at all, Sanyu.

"Morning sunshine." Mirio muttered without even opening his eyes.

"Good morning." Sanyu replied softly. "I'm sorry about....about everything.".

"Hey, no apologies." Mirio scolded playfully, "None of this is your fault. You can hardly choose a boba flavor, you sure as hell didn't choose all of this.".

"They all taste really good." Sanyu pouted in retaliation. Mirio smiled and pulled the smaller closer to him. Sanyu took a moment before speaking again. "If you don't want to date me after that, it's okay." He said simply, "You deserve someone like you-who knows how to handle things.".

"Someone who isn't fucked in the head.".

The swearing was strange to hear in Sanyu's soft, almost whisper-like tone. "You're not fucked in the head, you have PTSD." The older replied calmly.

"What's the difference?" Sanyu remarked cynically, shifting away from Mirio in the bed.

Mirio raised an eyebrow. "First off, enough with the negative self-talk. All Might has PTSD, is he messed up?".

Sanyu shook his head quickly. "Then you're not either. Second off, are you insulting my taste in boyfriends? Because I thought I picked a really great one.".

"B-boyfriend?" Sanyu stuttered out.

"Well we're dating, and have been for a little bit now, so yes, boyfriend." Mirio said with a sly smile. "It's you and me sweetheart. Now your prosthetic has a really great heater in it and I'm freezing without it. Get back over here.".

Sanyu obliged and wrapped his arms around Mirio's waist. Somehow (yeah, somehow) they ended up kissing. Nothing heated, just enjoying the soft warmth of the moment.

"Mirio you're running late! We've gotta get breakfast and head to our internships, why are you in bed so-".

The pair shot up into a sitting position and stared at the door in shock. Neijire stood in the doorway, her mouth agape.

"Neijire? Is he in there? Maybe he already left-" Amajiki entered the doorway a few seconds after Hado. He too caught sight of the pair and seemed to freeze.

"This isn't what it looks like!" Mirio said, waving his hands frantically. Neijire held eye contact with him as she slowly closed the door. "Nejire-no its really not-". The door clicked shut.

The pair made eye contact and broke out in laughter.

"Do you want to come back tonight? We can go off campus for a run?" Mirio suggested.

"I would but I have to speak with someone about last night." He said, pouting at the thought. It wasn't going to be a fun conversation but he and Keigo needed to speak about what was going on behind the curtains and how he got that information. Was it trustworthy? Did they really have 4 months or would the meta-liberation army attack tomorrow?

"Be careful." Mirio said, getting out of the bed. "I should get going, you should too. Endeavor isn't a patient man. Here, take my sweater so you don't freeze on your way back.". He handed the mustard yellow garment to Sanyu who slipped it on. It hung off his neck, showing the shirt underneath almost to his collar bones.

Sometimes he forgot that despite the fact they were only about 2 inches apart in height Mirio was much broader than he was. More raw strength than Sanyu's prescribed balance of strength, agility and speed.

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