29: Brave New World

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"Keigo, this is Tao Ling, his code-er-hero name is Annum. Tao, this is Keigo Takami, or Takami Keigo, however you wanna say it. He's my guardian." Sanyu said, wiping his eyes with the backs of his hands. The man with purple hair, Tao apparently, held him upright as he did so.

"You're a member of the Six." Keigo said, smiling. When Sanyu had started crying he panicked a little thinking someone who hurt him had gotten through. Sanyu had told him about Tao though. He was a very interesting type of hero but a kind man nonetheless.

"That I am." Tao said, reaching out his hand to shake Keigo's. The otherworldly hero took it then smiled and teared up again. "Oh god, I'm sorry. I'm not usually this much of a mess but I-we really all thought he was dead.".

"I'm alive." Sanyu said with a smile, "It's just....complicated.".

"I have all the time in the world for you to explain." Tao replied. The three sat back down on the couch, slowly coming down from the excitement. Sanyu clung to the man like he would disappear if he let go and Keigo couldn't blame him.

"To make a long story short, a villainous organization in this world created a portal to summon someone powerful to their world. They hoped I would help them defeat this world's number one hero. But I realized what they were doing quickly and put all my effort into protecting the hostages until Keigo, who's what they call a pro hero, saved us." The boy explained.

"So you just got sucked up by a portal? And we're in that world now?" Tao asked. Sanyu nodded. "I didn't see it coming at all. One second I was flying, the next I was in some purple void of some sort, then I exploded out of the portal and into this world." He explained, "What happened after that in our world?".

"When you were declared MIA the world went insane. The government tried to keep it under wraps that you had gone missing but Jackson found out within 24 hours when he tried to call you.". Tao took a deep breath. "He tried to call everybody to get us to fly out to Siberia with him to look for you but I was deep undercover in Malaysia at the time and he couldn't reach me. I learned about your disappearance on tv but my situation was dangerous. It was a kill mission so I couldn't leave until the deed was done.".

"Fast forward two months and I finally finished the mission. I flew out to Siberia to join Yuliana and Jackson but..." He trailed off. "We couldn't find you. Within a week of me getting there you were presumed dead.".

"I bet the world was glad to get rid of me at least. One less liability." Sanyu said bitterly.

Tao almost seemed to smile, but his face was overtaken by sadness. "The opposite, Sanyu. The world was heartbroken.".

The kid seemed shocked at that. "Tribute after tribute. Protest after protest. It was like they finally realized that you were just a kid. Because of that the government decided to dissolve the Six program-"

"They WHAT?!" Sanyu asked, shocked.

"They dissolved the program kid." Tao said, a smile on his face. "We're free. We can be heroes on our own terms, or not be heroes at all. We have our legal personhood back, our rights, everything. Jackson got married finally. Oh-and this will really surprise you-Vivian Holt is still alive.".

Sanyu's open mouth spoke for itself. "I know! She hid in plain sight for nearly a decade. Pretty easy for a shapeshifted honestly. We all thought she was dead but she's back now to help out with the hero work. Not that there's been anything since you 'died'. The world's still a little shell shocked." Tao explained.

"Well then the news that Haemon's alive will come as less of a shock." Sanyu said with a smile. Haemon had always been Tao's idol. He had worked with him for a couple years before his suicide. "He's not here, he lives in the 'dream dimension' now. He kinda talks to me in my sleep, as insane as that sounds.".

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