15: Brains VS Brawn

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'So he does want to test me'.

That was Sanyu's first thought when the matchups for the final exams were revealed. Nezu must want to see what he was capable of, what his strategies were.

Aizawa had set his partners in the activity, Ashido and Kaminari, with a losing battle. Neither of their strategies or powers were well suited against an opponent with super intelligence. If he was being honest neither were his.

Sanyu thought the concept of enhanced intelligence was strange. How does that work? How does whatever force gives people quirks define intelligence?

He tried to think of how someone in his world would become super smart. Radioactive chess set? Bitten by Stephen Hawking?

Sanyu came up with more and more ridiculous ways someone could become super smart while his partners in the activity joked around.

"We'll be fine." Ashido said, "We just have to get out of there quickly. He wont even see us coming.".

"Yeah, he can only be in one place at a time." Kaminari said.

"Unless he has cameras." Sanyu interrupted, not even thinking about what he was saying. "And rigged bombs.".

The other two froze at that. "You don't think he does...right?" Ashido said nervously. Kaminari looked anxious.

"There's no way they'd let him use bombs on us. We're just kids!" He said. Sanyu thought about it for a second.

"He's the principal, he's in charge." The boy said, "Can't he do whatever he wants?". Before either student had a chance to respond the automated start sound startled them.

"Timer starts now!" A voice said as the doors closed behind them.

It was a pipe covered industrial area. Sanyu eyed each of them, trying to identify them. That one was for water, that one for gas.

Abruptly he shot a quick beam of light into one of them to see if there was anything inside. There wasn't. It was all fake.

There was a fenced in path around where they were walking. The group advanced at a walking pace, just taking in their surroundings.

"See, this is easy peasy." Kaminari said.

"It won't be." Sanyu said cryptically. "We have no idea where he is. Until we can see him we can't be sure that we'll win.".

"Dude, chill." Ashido said with a smile. "It's going to be fine-" She was cut off by the sound of several bolts popping off. One of the fake pipes above them was coming apart and about to fall on them.

Sanyu raised his left hand and blasted the pipe until it was gravel. Suddenly the area around them groaned, obviously no longer stable.

"Follow me." Sanyu said, flying over the chain link fence. They had to stay off the path. Once they were a sufficient distance away Sanyu stopped and let the other two catch their breath.

"What the fuck was that?!" Ashido asked, "How did he do that?".

"He's trying to predict where we'll move." Sanyu said, "And he did it well.". Kaminari swallowed.

"How are we gonna escape or handcuff him? We don't even know where he is!" The boy said, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Wait!" Ashido said, "Oyama, your quirk is crazy powerful. Can't you just start destroying buildings? He'll show himself eventually.".

"Or I'll crush him in the rubble." Sanyu countered.

"Come on, he'll survive." Kaminari said, "He's too smart to actually die from that.".

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