21: Symbol Of Peace Pt. 1

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"Just what do you think you're doing?".

Sanyu startled out of his daze, jumping into a sitting position. He was on the couch in Haemon's apartment, although it looked quite a bit different. The lighting was off. The typical soft glow had been replaced by what looked like a massive thunderstorm.

Haemon must have more control over the dream dimension than anyone back in his world had ever thought.

"I think I'm doing what I was told to do." He responded simply. When did he fall asleep? The last thing he remembered was slumping up against the wall in that abandoned shop in Kamino. He was so close to the warehouse.

It wasn't hard to find the information about where the hideout was. He had some of Keigo's access codes to 'secret' files. He'd made sure none of it would ever come back on the man though. He could never cope with hurting Keigo.

"If you can't cope with hurting him, why are you doing it now?" Haemon asked coldly. Sanyu's expression betrayed his internal shock. He hadn't said that out loud.

"I told you before, there are no secrets here." Haemon said simply, "I've seen your memories, felt your emotions, all of it. If you dreamt about Annum more often I'm sure I'd be able to see your future too.".

"You're hurting him." Haemon continued, "I've seen his dreams too. This world is far more open to me, because it isn't the one I died in. He's seen some of your dreams too. Sanyu you have to understand you're hurting him-".

"He's seen what?" Sanyu asked, suddenly angry.

"Some of your figments, mostly the ones involving memories." Haemon said, his voice even and stable.

"Why would you do that?" The boy questioned, outraged, "You think I'm hurting him? Seeing that would hurt him even more. Which one did he see?".

"Sanyu that's not what's important here-"

"Which one?".

There was a beat of silence before Haemon sighed. He was weak when it came to Sanyu, it seemed.

"Your leg. He watched that ordeal. He's seen two more nightmares, but they were only rehashes of real life events, no other full memories were ever shown to him." Haemon said, "He needed to know. Otherwise he would be too concerned over your reaction to his best friend visiting.".

Sanyu narrowed his eyes a little bit at the man. "You violated my privacy.".

"Keeping you here is a violation of both our privacies." Haemon said bluntly. Sanyu couldn't argue with that. The apartment was basically the heart of Haemon's powers. His soul. "Now, tell me. Why did you look for orders? Why are you following them? The heroes in this world can handle this.".

"I-" Sanyu started, but he couldn't quite finish. "They're orders." He said dumbly.

Haemon got this heartbroken expression for just a second but it went back to neutral quickly.

"You don't take orders from anyone anymore." The man told him. "You're free now. Free from orders and control. You can make your own choices.".

Sanyu nodded, like he was absorbing new information.

They fell into another brief silence before the boy spoke up.

"I'm going to follow them." He said.

"I don't think you should. I think you should go home where its safe." Haemon said.

Sanyu shook his head. "Bakugou needs me. The professional heroes need my help. I can do this on my own-I need to." He said. He really did. They needed his protection and assistance and he wanted to give it to them. He had asked for the orders, no matter how conflicted it made him feel that the action had been an instinct.

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