54: The Fire And The Flames

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"Merry Christmas!" Tao and Sanyu said in unison. Keigo looked at the obvious jewelry box in shock.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything." He said, "I got you guys stuff 'cause it's your first Christmas here, you don't need to give me something in return-".

"Just open it." Tao said with a laugh. Keigo took the box and untied the bow. The white ribbon dropped to the ground as he lifted the top.

"What-" He began, but the words were swallowed by emotion.

Inside the box were three steel dog tags, each with Keigo Takami, in English, engraved on them. They matched Tao and Sanyu's perfectly, just less banged up.

"You're not part of the Six." Sanyu explained, "But you're part of the family, so we figured it was about time to get you your own dog tags."

Keigo looked up at the pair and smiled. "Kid, you're gonna make your uncle cry or something. Thank you. For including me in something so personal.".

He had put one of the dog tags on the next morning and hadn't taken it off since. He understood why Tao and Sanyu kept theirs on all the time. It felt like a safety blanket in a way. A little piece of himself.


Keigo realized he should probably start making plans for winter break. Sanyu was off of school, although he was starting his internship soon.

Endeavor...he never thought Sanyu would go for that sort of a hero. Sure, Keigo admired the man but he wouldn't have guessed there was anything Sanyu felt he could learn from him.

Then he found out that Sanyu had only picked him because he wanted to get closer to Todoroki and Bakugou. As much as everyone tried to tell him what happened between him and Bakugou was in the past, neither of them seemed to think so. Sanyu wanted to make it up to him, to apologize for basically traumatizing him. And Todoroki...well Sanyu said he just looked lonely.


Keigo had to admit that Todoroki Shoto looked like he had something going on. He hoped Sanyu was able to get to the bottom of it and help out.


The hero was brought out of his thoughts with that final yell. "What can I do for you?" He asked, shooting the head of the hero commission a winning smile. God he wanted to be anywhere but here. He had a million better things to do.

"You haven't given us an answer to what we asked you to do. Our agents have been trying to set things up for nearly a month now and you've ignored us." The woman said, her tone threatening. Keigo shrugged.

"I've been busy. Evil never sleeps and all that.". He was pretty sure her eye twitched.

"We need you. Japan needs you. What else could be higher on your priority list besides going back undercover?" She asked slowly.

"Well for one-I have a family now. You don't really know 'em, and I like it that way." He said, casting the chairwoman a severe look to tell her to back off. "Whatever it is the league is planning, it doesn't matter. I'll always get there faster than anyone else.".

"Ah yes, your family." The chairwoman drawled, "The U.A student and the unidentified Chinese National.".

"We raised you, Keigo. We know you don't have a nephew.".

"Did you now?" Keigo asked, faking pleasantness.

"What?" The chairwoman said, confused.

"When did you raise me? Cause I sure as hell wasn't there." The hero repeated, blinking his eyes innocently. "I only remember being trained, not raised. When did that happen? And you don't know shit about my biological family, you just took me from them for a couple bucks. There's all sorts of Takami's out there".

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