48: This Is Only The Beginning

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On the ground people were even more panicked than before. Those that still hadn't made it underground were huddled together with the media, pushing and shoving to get nowhere.

Two pro heroes stood out front, sending out attacks at two Nomu to no avail. Sanyu didn't even land, just blasted them from behind. He still didn't feel like he could kill them. It just seemed...wrong. He didn't want any more blood on his hands.

But maiming, that was okay. And in the end human life was the priority. That was something he really liked about this world. Human life was always second to the mission in his old world. Here it was always the priority.

"Get back, this is no place for kids!" One of the heroes shouted as the Nomu he hit let out a pained groan.

"I'm a U.A student with a provisional license, sir." Sanyu called out.

"You're not dressed for a fight!" The hero argued. Sanyu saw the exact moment he noticed the prosthetic that was now on full display because his pant leg on that side was now a short-like thing. The hero eyed him with slightly more caution.

"That doesn't matter, sir. These people need help." He said, blasting the Nomu again. Sanyu cursed the fact he didn't bring his gloves. Right now he was shooting explosions at them but it wasn't enough. He needed concentrated beams.

Or he needed more powerful explosions.

But at the same time that meant he ran the risk of damaging his body. Without the containment suit he would be the only thing standing between this city and all the power stored up inside him.

The reporter said something to the effect of 'Endeavor appears to be severely injured' and Sanyu decided that it was now worth the risk.

"Get back!" He called out to everyone.

"Kid just stand down!" The other hero said, her tone worried. "I need to get rid of the Nomu, ma'am. We don't have a choice. Get back.".

Reluctantly the pair obeyed as Sanyu landed on the ground, physically the only thing between the two half formed Nomu and the crowd of people behind him.

One of the sickly green creatures roared and unhinged its jaw, displaying a mouth full of malformed teeth. The crowd shrieked in fear. Sanyu waited until they got just a bit closer before glaring at them.

In one swift motion he raised a glowing hand and for several moments the street went white. When the light died down both Nomu had been completely obliterated.

They might still be breathing. Emphasis on the 'might'.

Sanyu took a deep breath as he focused on containing the energy. It hurt. It hurt a lot more than the phantom pain from his leg or the aches and pains from the nerve damage that gave him the 'sort of chronic' pain.

He was so focused on the pain and the faint sensation it brought on that he didn't notice another Nomu creeping over the edge of one of the shorter buildings. Before he even had to act though two beams of golden light were sent out.

Tao waved at him from his position on top of another building across the street before. He always did know where to hit things where it hurt.

Sanyu waved back and Tao suddenly changed positions, presumably to shoot at another one of the Nomu.

In the distance he could see Endeavor fighting off the Nomu. Suddenly the sky was filled with light as the hero burnt the monster to a crisp. He started falling quickly, and barely saved himself before hitting the ground.

When the dust cleared, the new number one hero was standing there, fist raised high.

Sanyu suddenly felt incredibly nervous and scared. Heat. It was the heat. That was why.

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