45: Festive Charm Pt. 2

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"Hey, Togata are you okay?".

The third year had been staring off into space ever since he and Eri were told to wait outside while they finished cleaning up the ice.

He just couldn't stop thinking about Oyama's smile. Seeing both him and Eri smile in front of him for the first time all at once, it must have broken his brain or something. All he could think of was the way Oyama's hair fell perfectly, the few strands that escaped the small bun framing his face perfectly.

And what a face. He'd always thought Oyama was a real looker, it was hard not to. He was somewhere between handsome and pretty and the long hair only compounded that. But now...it was like the smile pushed him over the edge. From 'I'm a gay man who can appreciate a good looking dude without having a crush on him' to 'ohmygodohmygod'. Those dimples. Dear god.

His brain was just...mush.

"Togata?" Midoriya repeated, "Are you okay?".

"Yep. I'm pretty boy-pretty great!" He said, trying and failing miserably to keep himself calm on the outside.

"We're all done over here." Sanyu said, jogging up to the group. "What should we do first?".

"That's easy." Mineta cut in, "The beauty contest starts any minute now!". Sanyu glared at his classmate, knowing full well he was only going to try to look up their skirts or down their shirts. Mirio tried to break the tension.

"We should hurry though. I'm sure Neijire would be sad if she couldn't see us from the stage." He said, "Let's get going!".

The stage was surrounded by what looked like the entire school. It must be a pretty popular competition.

At the same time, there weren't many contestants.

They reached the talent portion pretty quickly. "Next, class 1-B's Kendo!" The announcer said. The crowd cheered and watched as she broke through 4 massive wooden planks with one hit. Sanyu was impressed, to say the least. The announcer complimented her as the crowd cheered and Kendo walked offstage.

The next person was a third year, the previous champion Kenranzaki Bibimi. She had some sort of massive gold face robot.

"What kind of performance is this?" Eri asked from where she was sitting on Sanyu's shoulders. "It just got harder to tell, huh?" Mirio said with a sheepish smile.

"Next we have third year Hado Neijire!". The periwinkle haired girl dropped down onto the stage with an expert level of grace. The crowd cheered loudly and she smiled.

The music started and she lifted off the stage, using her quirk to keep herself in the air. "Hado, people are just animals. Just think of them as mammals." Amajiki said from beside them.

Hado danced around above the stage, ending in the center of a golden rose she had created with well timed releases of her quirk.

"A beautiful dance in the air! She pulled me in!" The announcer shouted into the microphone. "Results will be announced at 5pm today, so make sure to vote!".

"What next?" Midoriya asked. Sanyu put Eri back on the ground as the crowd dispersed. "Why don't we just walk around and try to find something fun? I heard there was an obstacle course and tons of games.".

"Games?" Eri asked, looking excited. Mirio nodded. "Yeah, you can play little games and win prizes. The business students run them every year, although they're paid for by the school so they're just there for fun, not for profit." He explained, "Although the business class still counts every prize they give away.".

"Why don't we head there first then?" Midoriya suggested. Everyone agreed and they headed off.

Sanyu had never really been a competitive person. He never felt the need to prove himself in that way.

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