A Duel to Remember

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Hello there~! Before we begin the chapter. I just wanted to point something out, in case there are people who might be confused by it. When something is 'typed like this', it usually means it's a private thought or a mental communication. When in the dreamscape, that text implies when either you or Akiza trace the words on each other to talk. Since it's not verbally spoken *cough cough* (for now) *cough cough*, it is written like this. That's all I wanted to bring up. Enjoy!


[3rd POV]

Last night was a bit of a hectic one. After Leo and Luna were able to carry Yusei up to the apartment and (Y/N) parked the duel runner inside the entry hallway into the apartment. (Y/N) got to work to bandage up Yusei's injuries grabbing the first aid kit from the kitchen. Thankfully nothing was broken so he just wrapped up Yusei with some gauze on his slightly bruised arm. The twins ran upstairs then coming back down with one of Luna's spare pillows and an extra blanket from the closet. (Y/N) laid Yusei on the couch so he could recover from his injuries and sent the children to bed. He removed Yusei's armguard and deck setting them down on the coffee table next to him.

(Y/N): "Yusei... Just what were you up to?"

He slept peacefully on the couch so (Y/N) felt like he could go to bed himself. He undressed and changed into his pajamas ready to enter the warm embrace of sleep. The bed was comfortable lulling him into slumber in just a few minutes. He opened his eyes revealing the calming dark scenery of the dreamscape. The chime of the bell echoed in the void as Akiza faded into existence. (Y/N)'s cheeks flushed a bright red at the sight of his nearly naked goddess. Akiza was in the middle of getting dressed wearing nothing but silky red undergarments that accentuated her figure quite nicely. He knew he should probably look away, but he was far too mesmerized not to avert his eyes. She was standing in front of a dresser that materialized into being pulling out a few articles of black nightdresses. It took her a minute, but she picked one out. It was a mixture of see through and solid black cloth that went down to her knees. There were rose designs accented in gold colored material, that when mixed with her red clothing underneath, made her absolutely stunning. She walked away from the dresser and her bed appeared as soon as the dresser faded away. (Y/N) walked up to the bed as Akiza sat in it grabbing a book. He reached out and touched her shoulder at the same moment she opened her book. She shivered before leaning into his touch just like the other time. 

Akiza: "Is that you?"

(Y/N): 'Yes.'

Akiza: "Did... did you see..."

(Y/N): 'No. Not naked.'

Akiza: "Good."

(Y/N) was still a blushing mess after seeing her like that. He wanted to say more to her, but couldn't find the words. He just started rubbing her shoulders which Akiza instantly melted into. (Y/N) smiled that she liked what he was doing to her. He really wished that, if he couldn't see her in the waking world, that they could speak with their words. They continued to enjoy each other's presence, but little did they know that inside their hearts, a flame sparked in each of them. It continued to burn, growing brighter and brighter, trying to pull the other flame closer. (Y/N) slowly moved his hands away from massaging Akiza's shoulders and began to wrap his arms around her body pulling her into an embrace. Akiza made no move to pull away moving her hands to join with (Y/N)'s sealing her in his embrace. What the two didn't realize was then their marks began to softly glow. It wasn't bright enough to catch either of their attention, but it was instinctively calling out to the other. Through the power of the marks, their hearts began to beat as one, matching every thumping pound for the other. Akiza was in perfect heaven. Never, not even during her time in the Arcadia Movement, has she ever felt so warm and safe as being in the arms of her (Y/N). He himself felt that pull towards Akiza, that throbbing attraction in his heart for her, growing stronger as well.  

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