Memories and Promises I

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[Lazar's POV]

I was walking down one of the many hallways here at the Kaiba Dome. Director Goodwin gave me orders to meet up with the Professor about the next part of the tournament. After another minute of walking down the same boring hallway. I eventually reached the door to the Professor's private ready room since he is one of the Dueling Assassins in the Order of Illiaster. The door creaked opened into a darkened room. The door closed leaving the two of us in here alone. I stood in the light coming from the one window on the top of the wall.

Lazar: "Professor? Hello? It's me, Lazar. I know you're in here. We need your help with the next duel."

The sound of footsteps echoed in the darkness slowly making its approach to me. The Professor stopped right at the edge to the light revealing his body, but not his face. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought he was going for the mysterious, enigmatic look. There was no need to be this dramatic like we were shooting a spy movie or something.

Lazar: "You ever think about redecorating? Maybe some, oh I don't know... track lighting?"

Professor: "The darkness helps with my preparation, and as a faithful servant of Illiaster, I know the darkness can only be illuminated by the light of the Dragon Star. How may I be of service?" 

Lazar: *chuckles* "I'm so glad you asked. Director Goodwin needs your hypnotic powers to tap into the mind of a possible Signer. He thanks you for losing in the first duel to end up in the Loser's Bracket, but now, he needs you to perform."

Professor: "Whom shall I duel?"

Lazar: "Her name... is Luna."

----- A little while ago -----

[(Y/N)'s POV]

After my "stimulating" conversation with Sayer. I met up with the others in the stands. They were happy to see me, Leo and Luna especially. The both of them congratulated me on my victory against the Professor. It wasn't really a challenge to be honest. I went easy on the guy. We were now sitting down enjoying the other duels going on down below. There was one other Turbo duel, but it was boring to be honest. What caught my attention was one of the participants while we watched. I knew I've seen him before somewhere, but I was distracted by the little rascals next to me to really pay attention. I overheard people all around me whisper and gossip about a loser's bracket or something which was weird. Wouldn't there be an uneven number of people in the tournament then? My memories flashed back to what Lazar said in the hallway with Greiger about Luna. I decided that I needed to be careful and watch out for anything suspicious. The last duel for the first round finished and the time was now almost one in the afternoon. 

Yanagi: "Yusei beat Hunter! That's amazing!"

Bolt: "Yeah! Looks like he and (Y/N) here will be moving on to the next round."

(Y/N): "I can't wait."

Dexter: "Oh man. I wish I could be down there so I could duel either of you guys."

Leo: "He's good, but Yusei learned his best moves from yours truly."

Luna: "Oh? And where were those MOVES when you lost in the first round?"

Leo: *sweatdrops* "Eh..."

(Y/N): *chuckles* "She's got you there, Leo."

Leo grumbled sulking his head down defeated. He was a dork, but I couldn't help but like it. He's got this fighting spirit that reminded me of myself when I was younger. That's when Leo's mood changed as I sensed smugness coming from him. What sort of thought did he just come up with?

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