The Fortune Cup Finale I

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----- In the Satellite -----

[3rd POV]

It was a normal day in the Valley of Death like any other. The light of the sun shined down into the crevasse illuminating the shabby homes of the people who lived there. Children ran around and played while the adults watched from their homes or were helping each other out. Such is the life in the Valley. You take care of each other since the people up top didn't. However, this day was soon going to take a turn for the worse.

Inside the rockface of the chasm was where the Network was stationed. It also served as the food bank where everyone ate at, a holding area for intruders, and a bunker just in case. It was also the very same place where Blister, Rally, Tank, Nervin, and Blitz were being kept safe. Mirabelle was listening to the radio they fashioned to monitor Sector Security's communications to listen to the tournament. She always loved dueling, even though she wasn't as good as (Y/N) was. Mirabell was enjoying the tournament, until it got towards the end of (Y/N) and Yusei's duel.

MC: <I... I can't believe what I've just witnessed. Kaiba's duel runner has just exploded on the track! It seems he was able to escape, but we're unsure about his condition until paramedics arrive to assess the situation.>

Mirabelle couldn't believe what she was listening. Sure, she was surprised when she heard that (Y/N) was a Kaiba from yesterday, but this was different. (Y/N) could be hurt or worse. Mirabelle grabbed the radio and ran through the hallways. She opened the door to where Asher and Yoru were. They turned their heads to look over at Mirabelle who was panting a bit. All three of them weren't wearing their masks.

Mirabelle: "¡Chicos! ¡Tenemos problemas!"

Asher: "Uhh, what?"

Yoru: "In English, please. What's going on?"

Mirabelle: "You need to listen to this."

MC: <Alright, it seems like (Y/N)'s okay, but it looks like he and Yusei are getting into a bit of an argument. (Y/N) is starting to get a little physical with his opponent. Doesn't look like it's going to get violent. This surprising upset has left everyone in the stadium shocked, and I can't blame them, since I'm one of them. I'm not sure what goin-- Wait. I'm getting word from the tournament staff...>

Yoru: "Care to tell us what's going on? What happened to (Y/N)?"

Mirabelle: "¡Lo peor! His duel runner blew up in the middle of the duel!"

Yoru: "WHAT?!"

Asher: "That can't be. There is no way that this was an accident. He takes good care of that runner. He needed it for the plan to topple Atlas and become the new champion."

Yoru: "I'm sensing sabotage. Someone didn't want him to win."

Asher: "I can take a guess as to who that might be."

MC: <We have an announcement.>

Asher: "When I get my hands on that--"

Mirabelle: "Hold up."

MC: <The tournament judges have delegated with one another and have come to a decision. (Y/N) Kaiba automatically loses the duel due to his inability to continue the match. The winner of the Finals Round is Yusei Fudo!> 

Asher: "Wha--IS HE SERIOUS?!"

Yoru: "That's preposterous! His opponent is winning because of a technicality?!" 

MC: <Yusei will be moving on to face Jack Atlas for a shot at the title! The duel will be set to happen here within the hour. Don't go anywhere!>

The radio cut off to a series of commercials, but Mirabelle turned it off. The three of them stood there in the room silent. The news they just heard was still processing in their minds. (Y/N) was going to win the duel, but now, he was the loser. All because someone tried to kill him. Yoru sat back down in her seat balling her hands into fists on her knees. Asher slammed a fist into the wall he was next to get some of his building anger out.

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