Memories and Promises III

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Hello, my dear readers. I just wanted to point this out before we begin the chapter. When a human is PHYSICALLY in the Spirit World; spirits can communicate with them like normal people would (with their mouths) if they so wish. As such, it will be written like that. That'll be all. Enjoy the chapter!

----- At the Mountain -----

[Luna's POV]

Luna: "What do you mean? Where is my brother?"

Ancient Fairy Dragon: 'Lost between your world and ours... Now allow me to take you back to when you first came here... To help you remember the promise you made that will save this world... And your brother's spirit...'

The dead land in front of me changed and shifted in sparkly white light. Now everything before me was alive like it should have been. The grass waved back and forth in the gentle breeze and the sound of the river before me calmly flowed. I gasped as I could see a group on the other side of the river. It consisted of a number of spirits, Ancient Fairy Dragon herself, and me. It was me when I was younger. We were playing alongside the riverbank laughing as I had the biggest smile on my face. It all seemed so familiar, but more like from a dream than a memory. Ancient Fairy Dragon watched over us like a mother would to her children making sure that none of us got hurt. Me and the spirits stopped as I kneeled on the ground picking various flowers that grew all over the place. I was familiar with what was being made. It was a flower crown.

Young Luna: "Almost done... TADA!"

The younger me held up the crown smiling at her lovely creation. Kuribon's eyes were filled with stars at seeing the crown which didn't go unnoticed by little me. She put the crown on Kuribon's head which made him happy beyond belief. He bounced around jingling his little bell back and forth like he just won a great prize. The other spirits smiled seeing their friend so happy by little me's gesture. That's when she started looking around with her happy smile drooping a little bit.

Young Luna: "It just got really cold..."

All of the spirits were playing with Kuribon loving his flower crown. Some of the winged fairies flew around Kuribon marveling his gift. All their merriment stopped when the flower crown wilted and felt apart. Kuribon blinked a few times in surprise before looking down sadly at his lovely gift on the ground. The other spirits gasped in shock with a few of the smaller fairies flying up to their friend to comfort him. The young Luna saw the flowers holding them in her hands as Ancient Fairy Dragon watches with a worried look on her face.

Young Luna: "That's weird. Aww! The flowers... they wilted."

Ancient Fairy Dragon: "The Spirit World is in danger, Luna. An evil force has been trying to gain access to this place. To take over."

Young Luna: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Ancient Fairy Dragon: "With sinister intent, this force reaches out to squeeze the heart of our beloved land. As this evil grows in strength, the light of the Spirit World will begin to fade, and the beauty of this realm will be replaced by sorrow and darkness..."

Young Luna: "Can't you stop it?"

Ancient Fairy Dragon: "No. I do not have the strength like my brother. But you can, Luna."

Young Luna: "What can I do? Why can't your brother protect you?"

Ancient Fairy Dragon: "Like me, he is watching over someone with a gift like yours. You are a bridge that connects your world and ours. Stay with us, Luna. Protect us. In return, we can help you. We feel your sadness, my child. We know that you're lonely. You are lonely, aren't you?"

Young Luna: "Yeah, kinda. Mom and Dad are always away. On important business trips and stuff like that... " *tears up* "I don't go to school like other kids, and my silly egghead brother only thinks about himself!" *sniffles* "Okay, Ancient Fairy Dragon. I WILL stay here and protect you. I will protect everyone!"

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