Duel of the Dragons I

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[Blister's POV]

I open my eyes and yawn as I stretch my limbs. Guess not having a clock in here must be doing wonders for me because I actually feel well rested for once. That only begged the question: How long have I been in here for? It feels like a long time, then again, it could be just two or three days. At least it hasn't been all bad. Mirabelle comes by with the food she makes to which I was starting to actually rather enjoy. More things that I've learned during my time in here was that the temperature never changed which means that I'm underground most likely where the sun can't reach me. I was trying to think up of a way I can get to talk with the head honcho around here to see why I am being held prisoner.  

Blister: 'But all things aside... It hasn't been that bad here.'

I was taken out of my personal thoughts by the sound of footsteps and shouting. They were getting closer and closer to the door. It swung open with the "Skully" and "Demon-face" lady chauffeuring four people into the room with me. The tall one wearing a light blue shirt and a bandana was causing a commotion for the two. A third guy, "Bird-man" I dubbed him as, came into the room with them and closed the door. Now that I was able to get a good look at the four new arrivals, I was able to recognize each of them. They were Yusei's missing friends!

Bandana: "Enough with the games, Crow! Why are you wearing that ridiculous mask? And why have we been brought here?!"

Crow: "Please, just calm down. As I have been telling you guys on the way here. It's for your own safety. Sector Security won't find you guys here."

Chonky-dude: "B-B-But we're scared, Crow."

Glasses: "Y-Yeah! This is w-where the G-Grimm Reaper lives. W-W-Where is he?"

Crow: "Tank, Nervin, take a chill pill. The guy's not even here right now. Besides, he wouldn't hurt you guys. Trust me."

Half-pint: "Where we are isn't important right now. We want to know why we've been kidnapped. What does Sector Security want from us anyways?"

Blister: "I think I can answer that question."

All five of them simultaneously turned their heads over in my direction. I gave them my signature smile and a two-finger salute. The little guy of the bunch came over seeing the chain around my ankle and the bruise on my face. It had gone away quite a bit thanks to the cold metal walls for me to rest it on, but I still had a pretty good black eye. The guy in the mask, who the guy in the bandana wore called Crow, leaned up against the wall while the other three gave me confused looks. 

Nervin: "Uhh... Who are you?"

Half-pint: "Did you hurt him, Crow?!"

Crow: "What? NO! Well, maybe... Yeah. Yeah, I did. Meant to say sorry about that by the way."

Blister: "It's fine. I got some good sleep during my stay here."

Tank: "Who is he, Crow?"

Crow: "His name's Blister. He came to the Satellite looking for you troublemakers."

Half-pint: "Us? Why did you come looking for us?"

Bandana: "Maybe to make sure we were still locked up, Rally."

Rally: "Oh, would you stop it, Blitz?"

Blitz: "What? For all we know, he could be here for that reason."

Blister: "Being cautious. I like that. Well, I can say that I wasn't here for sinister reasons. I came here as a favor for Yusei. He's fighting in the Fortune Cup tournament right now."

Nervin: "A tournament? Why is he in a tournament?"

Blister: "Sector Security threatened your guys' safety if he didn't participate. Oh yeah, and Jack Atlas is also part of it."

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