Good Cop, Bad Cop

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[3rd POV]

Yusei: "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's roll out."

There was a moment of silence as all the officers present looked at each other. None of them could muster a response to Yusei basically giving them an order. They all looked over to Trudge who was technically in charge here at the moment. He was looking at both Yusei and (Y/N) with the more direct attention being on the Grimm Reaper himself. Trudge took in a deep breathe to calm his screaming nerves before removing his helmet. He placed it on the seat of his duel runner along with the megaphone that he used. The orange tinge of the setting sun's light gave the scene being played out at this moment look like something from a Western cowboy film.

Trudge: "You've gotta lot of nerve asking for MY help, you Satellite reject."

The man started to walk over heading for Yusei directly. (Y/N) took this chance to peer into the officer's mind. He was more annoyed than pissed at Yusei at the moment, but what didn't come as a surprise to him was his mental state towards him. Trudge was doing his best to suppress his anxiety at the fact that he was standing there next to Yusei. He had to admit that Trudge was doing a pretty good job with his poker face. What caught his attention next was the reason for Trudge's advance. He wanted to gage his response towards him by directly walking up to them and seeing what was going to happen.  

(Y/N): 'Huh. Trudge has got some fucking balls. That's rare.'

Seeing as though (Y/N) wasn't going to do anything, Trudge continued to approach Yusei. His fear of (Y/N) didn't abate, but his nerves were slightly less frayed by the Kaiba's lack of action. (Y/N) gave Yusei a side look with a raised eyebrow. Yusei caught it and clearly could tell that he was wondering if he should step in as his self-given role as Yusei's "insurance". Yusei gave him a slight shake of the head telling him that it was alright. Trudge reached out to grab Yusei only for him to catch it by the wrist remaining calm in the situation.

Yusei: "Good to see you too, Officer Trudge."

Trudge: *scoffs* "Let's get something straight. You want my protection, then you need to respect my authority."

Yusei chose not to respond and walked over towards one of the Sector Security cruisers. It was a rather funny thought for Yusei. For most, if not all of his life, he had tried his best to stay out of these vehicles. Now, he was willing getting into one to go talk to the Director of New Domino City himself. It was rather ironic. Trudge watched getting more annoyed with Yusei from his lack of response. He jogged to catch up to him, but Yusei had already gotten into the cruiser and closed the door.

Trudge: "Hey! Did you hear what I just said? If you keep ignoring me, Yusei, the deal's off! You got it?!"

Yusei: "Let's get going."

Trudge: *growls* "And YOU. Why are you here, Grimm Reaper? Or should I start calling you 'Mr. Kaiba'?"

(Y/N): "I am here for the same reason as Yusei. I have questions that Goodwin has answers to, and to make sure that he gives them."

Trudge: "Why should I LET you come along? I'm only here for Yusei."

(Y/N): "I could be more... adamant, if you'd like."

Trudge: "I, uhh... You're not..." *sighs* "Fine. Just don't start anything, got it?"

(Y/N): "I could say the same to you."

Trudge just lowered in head and moved to the side a bit. (Y/N) walked forward towards the same cruiser the other cruiser that was parked there. The officer who was driving it started sweating bullets as he was the one who had to give him the ride to Director Goodwin. As (Y/N) approached it, in an effort to get on his good side early, the officer opened the door and bowed his head. (Y/N) smiled at the officer, finding slight amusement in his fear, but was met with an equal amount of respect. That also reminded him of something. He turned back to see Trudge put his helmet back on and mount his runner.

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