Memories and Promises II

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----- A Couple of Minutes Ago -----

[Luna's POV]

Luna: 'W-What happened?'

I don't know where I was. The last thing I remember was feeling lightheaded and then nothing. Things were dark until a could make out a soft light in the distance. I went towards it hoping that it would lead me back to the real world and away from... whatever this is. I opened my eyes blinded for a couple of seconds by the light. I adjusted getting a picture of my surroundings. I stood in a forest much like my Ancient Forest field spell, but it was different. This looked like it was real. I could feel the gentle breeze flying through the trees and the warmth of the light coming in through the leaves. What made it all weird was that the Professor a.k.a. "Mr. Creepy" was not standing where he was. In fact, he wasn't standing anywhere nearby, and the stadium was gone, and so was the stairwell where (Y/N) was.

Luna: "Where am I?"

The sounds of giggling and laughter echoed through the trees. Little fairies flew by all waving at me and giving me smiles. I was still confused as to how I got here so I couldn't fully appreciate their kindness. I was still amazed at the sight I was watching. One of the fairies took it upon themselves to fly down and got really close to me. She gave me a kiss on the check and tried to tickle me. I couldn't help but giggle at her attempt to make me feel better, which did work. I heard the familiar coo of one of my dearest friends. I look over a bit to see Kuribon bouncing up and down in the air filling me up with so much joy inside.

Luna: "Kuribon! What is this place? It looks so familiar, but I can't remember..."

Kuribon's only response was to fly around in a circle cooing happily with the bell attached to the bow on his tail jingling along. He always loved to play which I also loved to do. Right now wasn't the time though. My mind was racing with thoughts and questions with one being the most important one of them all. How did I get here? The fairies and other spirits continued to go about the forest laughing and having fun while I just kept on looking at the pretty trees around me.

Luna: "I sense that this is a safe place, but... something feels wrong."

Everything seemed to be alright. That held true until Kuribon started acting weird next to me. He stopped playing and started cooing like he was in pain. I looked over seeing my friend like he was being held tight by something. Then a weird looking clamp appeared out of thin air locking around Kuribon. Something about the clamp felt familiar, but I was more concerned about him.


Kuribon struggled with the clamp around his entire body. Something else strange happened when a purple energy flared up around Kuribon. He started to cry at the pain that he was in and it broke my heart to see him like this. I tried petting him the way he likes to calm him down and feel a bit better.

Luna: "Don't worry. It'll be okay."

Right after I said that; A large shadow appeared covering the spot where me and Kuribon were at. I turned around to be met with the sight of a huge, blue monster with yellow crackling outlines. Its scary red eyes looked right at us like we were lunch! It roared out like a terrible beast ready to attack us. All I could do was scream in pure terror. It slowly began to creep up to us like a lion would in a documentary I saw one time. Me and Kuribon started to run away and the monster started to chase after us. My small, kid legs couldn't get very far as one of the monster's claws came down crushing my friend. He exploded into hundreds of tiny specks since he was destroyed. What caught me off guard was when those specks came back together to recreate Kuribon. His body had that same purple glow which I could tell he didn't like. That's when his body started to glow purple, but only brighter and brighter.

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