The Fortune Cup Finale II

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[(Y/N)'s POV]

I was standing in the elevator waiting for it to take me back down. All I could think in that moment was that the plan could finally move forward. Just like we discussed so many times these last few years. It was so much that I couldn't help but breathe in a sigh of relief. All this time, and now that what I was aiming for is finally happening, it almost feels surreal. Like I'm still in a dream. My thoughts wondered to the preparations that would need to be made. I would also need to inform the others so they could begin on their end. 

My thoughts stopped right there when the doors to the elevator slid open. I calmly waked out into the hallway feeling better than I did earlier. Granted, I was still pissed at Jack's attempt on my life, but who hasn't tried? Sector Security tried a few times before The Burning. Then there were the gang remnants, punks with big egos, and people who came just for revenge. So many people have tried to kill me and failed that they eventually learned not to. At least, most people have learned that such things were futile. My power was far too great, and my skill was undeniable. Oh well, I can't be stuck thinking about the past. I have to focus on the present and the future.

That was then my mind wandered to Akiza. Her beautiful face, her gorgeous eyes, her wonderful smile. Everything about her just made all the bad things go away. It also brought up the memory of when I got bold after her duel. I could feel the blush coming on remembering how I almost kissed her. That's when hit actually hit me what I was about to do.

(Y/N): 'I almost kissed Akiza. I ALMOST KISSED AKIZA!!! God, what was I thinking?! I don't even know is she likes me back! Would... would she even like it? Like me?'

It almost became too unbearable at that point. I could see the doors coming up and there was no way I was going to let those idiots see me blushing. I pull up my hood as far as it could to shroud my face. I barge through the doors startling them out of their thoughts. They didn't bother me as I walked away without a word. Maybe I could ask her how she felt about me after the tournament? No, I couldn't do that. That would be too weird. How would I even start up that conversation? A defeated sigh escaped my lips when I came to an unfortunate conclusion. I have absolutely no experience when it comes to girls.

Yusei: "(Y/N), wait up!"

Hearing that voice made me groan. He was one of the last people I wanted to see right now. It also ticked me off slightly that he forgot about me after all these years. Not like I saved him from getting taken to the Reeducation Center as a child. Turning around allowed me to see him jog up to me. He was panting a little bit to catch his breath for a second before our eyes met. My (E/C) ones and his blue ones. I could still see the sorry look within them.

(Y/N): "What do you want?"

Yusei: "I... I just wanted to talk. Please?"

(Y/N): *growls* "Fine. What could we possibly have to talk about?"

Yusei: "You make it sound like we're strangers."

(Y/N): "Might as well be. You don't know me. Not like you ever cared."

Yusei: "(Y/N), please!"

(Y/N): "Do you even remember what the three of you said to me that day? What YOU said to me that day?"

----- Six Years Ago -----

[3rd POV]

Ever since that day with the officers, (Y/N) had been practicing his new abilities. It took Martha and his parents to find the officers' remains. They were rotting and all tangled in the roots of the trees by the orphanage. (Y/N)'s father collected their dog tags set to return them to Sector Security. He would tell them that he just found them by random chance by the rubble of a collapsed building. He knew that they would buy that since it was a regular occurrence with how badly degraded some of the buildings around the Satellite were. That, and he didn't want the love of his life to see the twisted faces of pure fear and horror forever etched onto their decayed faces. Something that he would have to live with for the remainder of his days.

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