Fight or Flight

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[3rd POV]

While (Y/N) and Yusei were waiting for Goodwin to arrive at the meeting spot, all was quiet in the Satellite Sector. There was barely a breeze as the moon's ray lit up the abandoned streets littered with debris. A figure pulled up on a black Duel Runner parking it outside of Sector Security's own parking lot. Who was this mysterious figure? It was none other than Crow Hogan. He locked the Runner and strapped his duel disk to his arm before sauntering over to the side of the building. A chuckle escaped his lips as he opened a vent on the ground and crawled his way inside putting on a pair of special goggles, just in case.

Crow has spent the last three weeks casing Security's headquarters and gathering data on its schematics. A weakness he discovered was that the ventilation system had little to no security systems inside them. Rodents would get in and set them off too many times that they removed it and made the vent covers tighter to make sure that rodents wouldn't get back in again. The perfect weakness that he was exploiting to the max. As he was crawling through the vents, memories began to bubble to the surface.

A friend of his two years ago tried to convince him and his old friends about bring Sector Security down. And here he was, breaking into the same place, and making it look way too easy. The irony brought out a sad, dry chuckle from his throat. Crow shook his head to bring him back to the moment and continued on with his plan. After about three more minutes of crawling through the vent, he eventually found the target vent. He looked through the cracks with his goggles and saw no laser security trips.

He cracked his knuckles before punching the vent cover off its hinges. The metal clattered on the ground making him wait to see if it set off anything. Nothing but silence echoed in the room. He climbed out and dropped to the ground on his feet slinging the large duffle bag he brought with him over his shoulder. Crow took a moment to look around the room he had just broken into: Deck Storage. The place where Sector Security took confiscated decks and cards from Satellite citizens.

Crow started to hum a song that was sung to him by the woman he considered his mother when he was young. As he walked through the darkened room, the steps of his shoes echoed in the silence. He passed by row and row of filing cabinets. Each of them filled with everything relating to duel monsters. Crow opened a few that he was drawn to and found only components for duel disks taking a few parts that he did need for someone back home and storing them in a separate pocket from the main one. He continued to walk through the rows of cabinets until he was drawn to another. Crow opened it and smiled at all of the cards that were stashed away within it.

Crow: "Jackpot. These cards are just what I'm looking for."

His smile grew wider as he took a look at a few of the top ones from the stacks he saw. Peten the Dark Clown, Dark Bribe, Celtic Guardian, Man-Eater Bug, Swords of Revealing Light, and so much more. He unzipped his duffle bag and started putting the cards inside carefully by the handful. He needed to be quick, but he couldn't afford to just throw them into the bag. It could damage them and it wouldn't be fair to those these cards were going to. Meanwhile, outside of the building nearby, a patrol cruiser was driving by when the officers inside got a message on the radio.

Radio: <Unit 5-9, we have reports of a suspicious Duel Runner parked nearby the Impound Lot. Some underground duelist might be trying to break into the money vaults.>

Officer 2: "This is Unit 5-9. We roger your last. Moving in to investigate."

The first officer who was driving engaged their lights and pressed on the gas pedal. They turned the corner to where the report specified the location of the suspicious Duel Runner. About halfway down the street was the runner in question. They parked their cruiser behind it illuminating the vehicle with the cruiser's headlights. Both officers stepped out and approached the runner. It was solid black in color with orange and gold highlights along the edges. The front end resembled a bird's beak with the side blades looking similar to a bird's wings. The first officer couldn't help but whistle in amazement.

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